- Tonkuangyu Copper Mine sets up a set of simple and convenient monitoring system of orebody caving state in the mine stope to use block caving method. 銅礦峪銅礦在自然崩落法采場(chǎng)中,建立了一整套簡(jiǎn)便易行的礦體崩落狀態(tài)監測系統。
- gravity block caving method 階段自然崩落法
- block caving method 分段崩落采礦法
- forced block caving method 階段強制崩落法
- According to the theory and method of particle flow code in two dimensions (PFC2D), the block caving law of natural caving mining method was investigated. 以自然崩落采礦法為研究對象,利用二維顆粒流數值模擬(PFC2D)的原理和方法,研究了自然崩落法礦體崩落規律。
- The predicting results can be used as the basis for design and practice of block caving. 預測結果可以作為自然崩落法工程設計與實(shí)施的參考依據。
- Feasible drawing interval is the basis to study mining equipment of fully-mechanize coal mining with caving method. 綜放開(kāi)采的合理放煤步距是研制綜放工作面成套技術(shù)裝備的基礎,是提高綜放工作面采出率與煤質(zhì)的關(guān)鍵之一。
- On Ground Pressure Control Method in Block Caving 自然崩落法地壓控制方法探討
- Sublevel Mechanized caving method shows the characteristics of high out-put,more dust sources,high dust concentration and difficult to control. 煤礦綜采放頂煤工作面開(kāi)采強度大、產(chǎn)塵塵源多、粉塵濃度高,因而對塵毒的治理難度大。
- The original block caving system with floor pillar exists many effects,such as development work large,constraction difficult,production efficiency lower and ore loss great. 原采用有底柱崩落法底板漏斗方案,存在采準工程量大、施工困難、生產(chǎn)效率低和礦石損失貧化大等問(wèn)題。
- The paper is of important instructive importance to reduce loss and depletion by sublevel caving method without sill pilla... 并對今后無(wú)底柱分段崩落法降低損失貧化具有重要的指導意義。
- To simulate the problem,a numerical analysis method,FLAC3D is applied to analysis the depressurization range of sublevel caving method. 應用FLAC3D對分段崩落法的卸壓范圍進(jìn)行了數值分析,據此確定出適于卸壓的采場(chǎng)結構,由此形成了無(wú)底柱分段崩落法開(kāi)采傾斜礦體的卸壓開(kāi)采方案。
- On the basis of industry test,this paper analyses mining feasibility of applying roadway caving method and caving broken mechanism in high gas steeply indined medium coal seams. 在工業(yè)性試驗的基礎上,分析了在高瓦斯急傾斜中厚煤層中應用巷道放頂煤法開(kāi)采的可行性和頂煤的破碎機理。
- In light of the characteristics of Nonpillar sublevel caving method,Probability integral method is used to predict mining subsidence and modified to improve predicting accuracy. 針對無(wú)底柱分段崩落法的采礦特點(diǎn),把概率積分法引入金屬礦山開(kāi)采沉陷預測中,并通過(guò)模型修正提高預測精度。
- The rockfall hazard will take place inevitably under the condition of steeper hillside after ground collapse or cave to ground surface caused by exploitation with caving method. 摘要在山體下進(jìn)行崩落開(kāi)采崩通或塌陷到地表時(shí),在陡峭的山體地形條件下將不可避免地產(chǎn)生滾石災害。
- Most of mines whore a pillarlcss sublcvcl caving method is introduced experience ground pressure, as manifested by deformation and damage of mining entrances and connecting slots. 在使用無(wú)底柱分段崩落法的礦山,大都存在著(zhù)地壓現象。其主要表現是采礦進(jìn)路和聯(lián)絡(luò )道的變形破壞。
- As the first successful introduction of natural caving method in domestic nonferrous metal mine,Tongkuangyu Mine increases production capacity and reduces production costs. 銅礦峪礦作為國內第一個(gè)成功引進(jìn)自然崩落法技術(shù)的有色金屬礦山,提高了礦山生產(chǎn)能力,降低了生產(chǎn)成本。
- This paper analyses the reasons for the gob fire of the face with fully mechanized mining caving method in free burning seam and gives the gob fire eradication means. 分析了王營(yíng)礦極易自燃煤層綜放工作面采空區自燃發(fā)火的原因,提出了防治措施。
- As a result,the short hole shrinkage method with flat bottom structure was employed to mine the stope firstly,then stoping ore pillar by medium length hole caving method. 后溝金礦采用平底結構淺孔留礦法先采礦房,后用中深孔崩落法回采礦柱,經(jīng)兩年多的生產(chǎn)實(shí)踐,取得較好的技術(shù)經(jīng)濟指標。
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父親一樣。