- Genetics and biochemistry of anthocyanin biosynthesis. 參考文獻: Holton TA; Cornish EC.
- The biological study of protozoans. 原生動(dòng)物學(xué)對原生動(dòng)物的生物性研究
- Now zoom forward to our present time and think of our pre-Internet communications systems as sorts of protozoa. 現在我們把鏡頭推進(jìn)到現代,把因特網(wǎng)之前的通訊系統設想為原生動(dòng)物類(lèi)。
- This paper deals with the relationship between community diversity of protozoa and water quality in Tonghui River. 本文報道了北京通惠河原生動(dòng)物群落多樣性特征與永質(zhì)的相互關(guān)系。
- The following discussion deals with the embryology, morphology, anatomy, physiology and biochemistry of the female reproductive organs in farm mammals. 本章討論母畜生殖器官的胚胎學(xué)、形態(tài)學(xué)、解剖學(xué)和生物化學(xué)。
- Effect of drought press on the physiology and biochemistry of Allium ampeloprasum L. 干旱脅迫對南歐蒜生理生化指標的影響。
- Totally, 125 species of protozoa and 17 species of zoobenthos were reported in this paper. 共鑒定出原生動(dòng)物125種,底棲動(dòng)物17種。
- Dear Prof. Zhiquan Liang, You will Always be with Department of Biochemistry of Peking Union Medical College! 敬愛(ài)的梁植權院士,協(xié)和生化系永遠懷念您!
- The current water quality and the indications of protozoa and zoobenthos to contamination were also investigated. 結果表明,拒馬河水生動(dòng)物種類(lèi)較為豐富,物種多樣性高,水質(zhì)生物指標綜合評價(jià)拒馬河水體受到輕度和中度污染。
- This can only be accomplished if one has a biological ability to transmute DNA and the biochemistry of the form. 這只有當你擁有生物能力來(lái)轉化DNA和生化結構時(shí)才能完成。
- There are a lot of Protozoa and metazoa that are indicative animal in water body that indicate MUCT process runs well. 原生動(dòng)物和后生動(dòng)物是判斷活性污泥工藝是否運行良好的指示性動(dòng)物,在MUCT系統中存在著(zhù)大量的鐘蟲(chóng)、輪蟲(chóng),說(shuō)明系統運行良好。
- From the intricate biochemistry of individual cells to the elaborate structure of the human brain, it has produced wonders of unimaginable complexity. 從個(gè)別細胞復雜的生化反應到人腦的精密結構,演化所造就的奇跡,能達到難以想像的復雜度。
- Senility can occur if the biochemistry of the neurons in the brain alters enough that they can no longer transmit thoughts. 衰老糊涂會(huì )在大腦中的神經(jīng)元生化結構改變到不再傳送思維時(shí)發(fā)生。
- However,an appreciation of the biochemistry of less complex forms of life is often of direct relevance to human biochemitry. 不管怎樣,對低等生物的生化方面的認識往往是因為它們和人類(lèi)生化有直接聯(lián)系。
- Finally, the prospects of transposable elements were discussed in the application of functional gene research of protozoa. 最后對轉座元件在原生動(dòng)物寄生蟲(chóng)的進(jìn)一步研究和應用作了展望。
- Bewley JD,Black M.Physiology and biochemistry of seeds.1982,57-58 (vol2,Vability,dormancy and environmental control,NewYork:Springe-Verlag). 傅家瑞.;種子活力的生理生化現狀研究
- The traditional separation,culture and reaction of biochemistry of bacterium can not satisfy in diagnosing various bacteria. 傳統的細菌分離、培養及生化反應,不能滿(mǎn)足對各種病原微生物的診斷。
- Eighty three species of protozoan,belonging to 53 genera of 31 families of 12 orders,were reported. 共觀(guān)察到83種原生動(dòng)物(僅包括肉足蟲(chóng)類(lèi)和纖毛蟲(chóng)類(lèi)),隸屬于53屬31科12目。
- She studies biochemistry, or the science of life. 她學(xué)生物化學(xué),也就是生命科學(xué)。
- We have studied the involvement of signal transduction in the regulation of antibiotic biosynthesis, and the genetics and biochemistry of drug efflux in Streptomyces. 我們也研究訊號傳導系統參與的抗生素合成的調控,以及鏈黴菌抗藥性的遺傳與生化機轉。