- Haji Habibur Rehman said the encounter between policemen and terrorists continued for 30 minutes. 巴基斯坦總統扎爾達里和總理吉拉尼對襲擊事件表示強烈譴責,并指示相關(guān)部門(mén)對事件展開(kāi)調查。
- The film tells us the story between policemen and criminals.The policeman spies go to the center of the enemies and destroy the whole crime organization. 中國戰爭電影永恒經(jīng)典描寫(xiě)我公安人員機智地打入內部,最后將敵人全部殲滅的故事。
- Policemen and judges enforce the law. 警察與法官執行法律。
- Policemen and firemen wear badges. 警察和消防員都佩戴徽章。
- He became fond of police and bandit movies. 他開(kāi)始喜歡上警匪片了。
- Policemen and judges uphold the majesty of the law. 警察和法官維護法律的權威。
- Policemen and policewomen work at a police station. 男女警員在警察局工作。
- Policemen and postmen wear dark blue uniforms. 警察和郵遞員穿深藍色制服。
- The policemen and agents recoiled. 憲兵和警察都往后退。
- Policemen and lawyers are among the injured. 受傷的人包括警察和律師。
- I am not sure if we killed all the slavers and bandits. 我不確定我們是否殺光了所有的奴隸販子和強盜。
- Take honey and bandit course together, can you die immediately? 將蜂蜜與匪菜一起吃,會(huì )立刻死亡?
- Among them were rickshaw pulleys, peddlers, policemen and servants. 這些人有的拉車(chē),有的做小買(mǎi)賣(mài),有的當巡警,有的當仆人。
- You can bribe bandits (Scorchers and Bandit Lord party) to join your party. 你可以賄賂土匪加入您的隊伍。
- In the crowded city, there is performing a whirlwind driving competition between the frantic policemen and gangsters! 在擁擠的城市,有不良駕駛旋風(fēng)之間的競爭瘋狂的警察和黑社會(huì )!
- NOTE: Don't enter University, War Academy, Traders Guild and Bandits Hideout. 注意:請不要進(jìn)入大學(xué),戰爭學(xué)院,貿易商協(xié)會(huì )和土匪隱藏。
- Results: There were differences in SDS, hurry feeling factor of A type behavior and concealment factor of DSQ between the only children armed policemen and none-only children armed policemen. 結果:武警新兵中獨生子女和非獨生子女之間在抑郁自評分、A型行為的時(shí)間匆忙感因子、防御問(wèn)卷的掩飾因子方面存在差異。
- Local wars and bandits often blocked their travel, making countless detours necessary. 內戰和盜匪也常阻擋他們前進(jìn),迫使他們繞了無(wú)數彎路。
- Guerrillas and bandits take over great areas of Kwangtung in South China far from the fighting fronts. 在遠離戰線(xiàn)的華南,游擊隊和“土匪”占領(lǐng)了廣東省大片地方。
- She battled her way through days of earthquakes,lava flows,and bandits to get to one of the portals. 她經(jīng)過(guò)數天的努力戰勝了地震、火山噴發(fā)、強盜等種種困難,終于到達了一個(gè)逃生的通道。