- However, when it comes to slaving over a hot stove on a daily basis, women still bear the main responsibility. 但說(shuō)到每天煮飯,女性還是擔負主要責任。
- The main responsibility is to test the instruments with reagent. 主要職責為運用試劑檢驗成品。
- Schatz places the main responsibility for genre success on production practices of the Hollywood studio system. 在湯瑪斯?茲的理論中,常把一個(gè)電影類(lèi)型的成功歸因于好萊塢片廠(chǎng)制度的成熟及實(shí)際運作,而黃梅調電影的成功也正因為當時(shí)香港電影片廠(chǎng)制度的成熟而造成的。
- The main responsibility of the stewardess is to make the passengers relaxed and happy during the flight. 主要的職責就是讓乘客在飛行中能放松、快樂(lè )。
- I can't bear the harshness of the noise. 我受不了這些刺耳的噪音。
- Pharmacovigilance is the main responsibility to the hos-pital pharmaceutical management committee. 藥事管理委員會(huì )的人員組成、例會(huì )制度可促進(jìn)藥物警戒工作的順利開(kāi)展;
- The main responsibility of a firewall is to block access in more complex manner than that provided by ACLs. 防火墻的主要職責是提供一種比ACL更為復雜的訪(fǎng)問(wèn)阻塞方式。強烈建議設立防火墻來(lái)確保更深一層的保護和對惡意代碼的過(guò)濾。
- The President has to bear the blame. 總統難辭其咎。
- Which aspects are the main responsibilities for managers? 哪些方面是管理干部的主要職責呢?
- Minhou Road, Tianjin understanding of parents and teachers to introduce, where students bear the main burden of the tasks it? 有了解天津閩侯路小學(xué)的家長(cháng)給介紹一下,那里學(xué)生的課業(yè)負擔大嗎?
- Who will bear the responsibility? 誰(shuí)將擔負這責任?
- I will bear the responsibility of having a pet. 我將承擔養寵物的責任。
- The main impediment to growth is a lack of capital. 影響發(fā)展的主要障礙是缺乏資本。
- She agreed to bear the responsibility. 她同意承擔責任。
- At the key stage,when many great problems are complecting each other,our government should take the main responsibility for the vocational education development. 在我國職業(yè)教育發(fā)展正面臨錯綜復雜的諸多問(wèn)題的關(guān)鍵期,政府應當從戰略高度承擔起其主要責任。
- That invites the danger of peeping driven by male"s estrous desire and also takes the main responsibility for body writing falling prey to the commercialization in 90"s. 而在中國身體寫(xiě)作中,女性身體是被文學(xué)再現的對象,這使得女性的身體敘事具有被男性欲望窺視的危險。
- During my stay in England, I myself will bear the living expenses. 我在英國逗留期間,一切生活費用由我本人擔負。
- Crowds thronged the main square of the city. 城里的大廣場(chǎng)上擠滿(mǎn)了人群。
- At the same time, church schools were agitating for public funds to help them bear the responsibility for education. 與此同時(shí),教會(huì )學(xué)校也紛紛要求公家提供資金以幫助它們承擔教育任務(wù)。
- The whole school (was) assembled in the main hall. 全校在大禮堂集合。