- However, the carrier shall bear the burden of proof with respect to the loss, damage or delay in delivery resulting from the other cause. 承運人對其他原因造成的滅失、損壞或者遲延交付應當負舉證責任。
- For this reason, a prosecutor, when filing a lawsuit, shall bear the burden of proof and provide evidence of crime committed by a defendant. 因此,檢察官提起公訴時(shí),就要負舉證責任,將他認定被告犯罪之證據提出來(lái)。
- Where a worker or his lineal relative believes that an injury is work-related, while the employing entity does not believe so, the latter shall bear the burden of proof. 職工或者其直系親屬認為是工傷,用人單位不認為是工傷的,由用人單位承擔舉證責任。
- The burden of proof devolved upon the defendant. 證明的重擔便落到了被告頭。
- The burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone. 唯有檢方負有舉證責任
- The burden of proof rests on him. 他必須拿出證據來(lái)。
- To bear the burden of a heavy heart. 雙膝仿佛負擔不了沉重的心房;
- The results of the spoliation of evidence include the spoliation of the court finding the truth and the spoliation of the proving by the party who bears the burden of proof. 妨礙行為的結果具有妨礙法官發(fā)現案件真實(shí)和妨礙負舉證責任當事人舉證的雙重效果;
- The second question is that of the burden of proof. 第二個(gè)問(wèn)題是舉證責任的問(wèn)題。
- Three helping one another bear the burden of six. 三人互相幫忙,能挑得起六個(gè)人的擔子。(諺)
- The burden of proof in each case shall be on the complainant. 在各種情況下舉證的責任均在申訴方。
- The burden of proof of the persecution rests with the refugee. 提供迫害證據的責任取決于難民。
- The burden of proof lay on the plaintiff to prove negligence. 證明對方犯有疏忽罪的舉證責任落在原告身上。
- ATGMs alone cannot be expected to bear the burden of the MBT threat. 不能單單指望反坦克導彈來(lái)對付主戰坦克的威脅。
- Res ipsa loquitur does not normally entail a presumption of the defendant's fault, nor a shift in the burden of proof. 事實(shí)自證制度通常并不涉及對被告過(guò)錯的推定,也不必定導致舉證責任的倒置。
- In this situation, the burden of proof as to apportionment is upon each defendant. 在這種情況下,按比例分配的舉證責任就落在被告人身上。
- He sends nine black riders to catch the hobbit Frodo Baggins, who is willing to bear the burden of this ring. 他派了九個(gè)黑騎士搜捕自愿背負魔戒的霍比特人(hobbit)弗拉多?巴金斯(Frodo Baggins)。
- In the trial of a law suit the party who has the burden of proof has the right to open and close. 在訴訟案件的審理過(guò)程中,有舉證責任的一方當事人有開(kāi)場(chǎng)和結束的權利。
- The burden of proof devolved upon the defendant. The estate devolved to an unlikely heir. 舉證責任被移交給被告;遺產(chǎn)被交給了一個(gè)不可靠的繼承人
- The countries that can least bear the burden of cumbersome and misdirected regulation suffer from it most. 最無(wú)法承受繁雜和誤導性監管的國家,恰恰最因此而深受其害。