- It is natural for us to be hard pressed for time. 我們很自然地會(huì )發(fā)現我們常常被時(shí)間追趕著(zhù)。
- The forces of Cassius were hard pressed early in the battle. 在戰斗初期,卡修斯的部隊處境艱難。
- I was hard pressed to meet the deadline. 我為趕上截止時(shí)間而焦頭爛額。
- The bank was hard pressed for funds. 這家銀行資金很缺。
- I would be hard pressed to recall any couple who presented for marital psychotherapy with a healthy sex life. 我很難回憶起有哪一對來(lái)尋求婚姻心理治療的夫婦擁有一個(gè)健康的性生活。
- Fall on the country more then actually recumbent the big be hard pressed for money that it spent that dreariness. 于是越國上下竟然靠著(zhù)它度過(guò)了那可怕的大饑荒。
- If you have cockatrice meat, you'd be hard pressed to find a better place to sell it since the cooking guild is there. 一旦您更新您的設計,你應該看起來(lái)非常新鮮到您的消費者。
- As he was hard pressed for fime,he urged the taxidriver to go it. 由于時(shí)間緊逼;他催著(zhù)計程車(chē)司機使勁往前趕.
- Our desire is not that others might be relieved while you are hard pressed, but that there might be equality. 我原不是要別人輕省,你們受累
- A whale was stranded on the shore. 一條鯨魚(yú)在岸上擱淺了。
- We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair. 我們四面受敵、卻不被困住,心里作難、卻不至失望。
- However, even the best icon designer in the world will be hard pressed to devise an icon system that will be usable without text labels by novice users. 不過(guò),即使是世界上最優(yōu)秀的圖標設計師也很難設計出一套讓新手用戶(hù)可以立即理解的沒(méi)有文本標簽的圖標。
- I'm convinced that you would be hard pressed to come up with a deposit that has more impact in the family than making and keeping promises. 對于家人要做承諾并且一定要說(shuō)話(huà)算數,這種感情儲蓄對家庭的影響最大,對此我深信不疑。
- One will be hard pressed to create unity relations in difficult karmic dances with others who are not ascending in this lifetime. 在困難的業(yè)力之舞中,一個(gè)人將很難去和此生不提升的人建立統一的關(guān)系。
- After that, the planet would be stranded in the cold and dim. 之后,這顆行星最終還會(huì )處于冰冷和陰暗之中。
- But eventually a new browser version won't allow the violation, and you'll be hard pressed to straighten out your source HTML document. 但是,終有一天某個(gè)瀏覽器的新版本不再允許這種違反標準的做法,那么改動(dòng)源HTML文檔的工作量將會(huì )非常巨大。
- Knowing she'd be hard pressed to defend the Imperial capital world, Isard left an insidious gift to the New Republic invaders. 伊薩德知道自己很難保衛帝都,因為她為新共和國留了一份陰險的禮物。
- The convoy was stranded in the desert. 使團在沙漠中陷入了困境
- He was stranded in the middle of nowhere. 他身在茫?;囊爸?,一籌莫展。