- Entries should be sent into by August1. 參賽名單應于8月1日之前呈上。
- He was sent into prison for stealing. 他由于偷竊被送入監獄。
- She was sent into the world to become a writer. 她生來(lái)就注定要成為作家。
- Two footballers were sent into the field. 2名足球運動(dòng)員被派上場(chǎng)參加比賽。
- Napoleon was sent into exile on an island. 拿破侖被流放到一個(gè)島上。
- Your are not being sent into Germany as educators. 你們不是被派到德國去當教育家的。
- This event made QY(屈原) was sent into exile. 使得屈原亦被楚懷王逐出郢都,流落到漢北。
- Troops would be sent into Ukraine and Belarus to bring those who had committed these crimes to justice. 維和部隊被派往烏克蘭和白俄羅斯,將犯下這些罪行的人繩之與法。
- Dirty water cannot be sent into the Great Canal by law, but still a lot of factories pay no attention to it. 根據法律不允許污水排進(jìn)大運河,但依然有許多工廠(chǎng)無(wú)視這一規定。
- Up to 12 officers can operate out of the bus, which will be sent into crime-ridden areas. 這部車(chē)將被送往犯罪頻繁的地區,有多達十二名警官可以在車(chē)里執勤。
- Your symptoms are rare; I guess you may be sent into one of the special wards. 你這種病癥十分少見(jiàn),看來(lái)要進(jìn)行特診了。
- Many of our younger soldiers were sent into battle without proper preparation. 我們的許多年輕戰士還未作好充分準備就被送去參戰。
- The king was sent into exile. 國王遭到放逐。
- It is necessary that he be sent there at once. 有必要馬上派他到那里去。
- Mr Gagarin was sent into the space on April 12,1961 aboard Vostok 1. 1961年4月12日加加林乘坐東方一號宇宙飛船升入太空。
- This game is going to go into overtime. 這場(chǎng)比賽將進(jìn)行加時(shí)賽。
- He was sent into banishment. 他被流放。
- Data from wire chamber interface Via a CAMAC system were sent into a computer for on line or off line analysis. 數據由絲室接口經(jīng)CAMAC系統送給計算機作在線(xiàn)處理或離線(xiàn)分析。
- Large numbers of troops were sent into the territory to crush the rebel guerrillas. 大批部隊被派往該地區去鎮壓叛軍游擊隊。
- The soldiers were sent into the foreign country to stir up violence among the natives. 軍隊被派到了這個(gè)國家,在當地人中間引起暴力事件。