- Be patient: you will be promoted in the course of time. 別著(zhù)急,你總有一天會(huì )獲得提升的。
- Be patient: you would be promoted in the course of time. 別著(zhù)急,你總有一天會(huì )獲得提升的。
- Be patient, you will be promoted in the course of time. 別著(zhù)急,你總有一天會(huì )獲得提升的。
- He was promoted in virtue of his abilities. 他是靠他的才能被提升的。
- She was promoted in virtue of her abilities. 她憑她的才能而獲得提升。
- Very few goods sell themselves and most need to be promoted in some way. 貨物極少有可以自行銷(xiāo)售的;多數都需要進(jìn)行某種方式的推廣。
- We are sure that business between us will be promoted in year to come. 我們相信我們雙方的交易將隨著(zhù)時(shí)間的推移而得到發(fā)展。
- We are sure that the business between us will be promoted in years to come. 我們相信,貴我雙方的業(yè)務(wù)將隨著(zhù)時(shí)間的推移而得到發(fā)展。
- The ability in ambulation could be promoted in children with spastic cerebral palsy by a certain kind of AFO. 痙攣型腦癱患兒使用AFO可以提高其行走功能
- Pupils who pass the test will be promoted to the next higher grade. 小學(xué)生只要考試及格就會(huì )升到高年級。
- In five years I hope to have been promoted in proportion to my contributions. 五年內,我希望能根據我的貢獻得到同等比例的提拔。
- How shall the ministry of the Spirit not be more in glory? 8何況那靈的職事,豈不更帶著(zhù)榮光?
- He returned to his hometown in glory. 他衣錦還鄉。
- How shall not the ministration of the spirit be rather in glory? 那么,屬神的職務(wù),豈不更該有光榮嗎?
- Therefore, Regent and prodain were suited to be promoted in non-pollution vegetable production base. 因此,銳勁特和甲維鹽適宜在無(wú)公害蔬菜生產(chǎn)基地推廣使用。
- He fawned on his boss in order to be promoted. 他向老板諂媚以求一官半職。
- He came home a rich man,covered in glory. 他發(fā)跡還鄉,榮歸故里。
- He will be promoted step by step. 他將被逐步提升。
- It is sown in dishonour. It is raised in glory. 所種的是羞辱的,復活的是榮耀的。
- Our honest captain had been promoted in consequence of the death of the second major of the regiment on the field. 自從聯(lián)隊里的下級少佐陣亡之后,我們老實(shí)的上尉就升上去補了缺。