- Blogs, remember, were once called "Web logs," cultivated by early digital pioneers who kept a record of information they found online, quoting and annotating as they browsed. 請別忘記,博客曾經(jīng)被稱(chēng)為“網(wǎng)絡(luò )日志”,是由一些早期的數字化先鋒們開(kāi)發(fā)出來(lái)記錄他們在網(wǎng)上所找到的信息的,他們便上網(wǎng)瀏覽邊做出摘錄和注解。
- Wang Zhaojun tomb below Daqing mountain was once called Qing tomb. 大青山腳下的昭君墓被稱(chēng)為青冢。
- Thouriby was once called by an important businessman who wasn't really pleased with his own success. 有一位對自己的成功并不真正感到滿(mǎn)意的商業(yè)巨頭曾經(jīng)請教過(guò)索爾比。
- It was once called it was to the heavenrecent place is because of Mount Everest and its nobility and purity. 它曾被稱(chēng)之為是離天堂最近的地方是因為珠穆朗瑪峰和它的高潔。
- Dante Gabriel Rossetti, the famous 19th-century poet and artist, was once called on by an elderly .man. 但丁.;加百利
- Streams flowing through streets and alleys makes the town look like a huge jade inkstone, that's why it was once called Dayan( huge inkstone) . 城中溪水穿街過(guò)巷,形狀極像一方碧玉大硯、硯同義,故而古時(shí)稱(chēng)做“大研”。
- Holiday's over: Swat Valley, in the North-West Frontier Province, was once called the "Switzerland of Pakistan" because of its bucolic mountains. 假期結束:位于西北邊境省區的斯瓦特山谷曾經(jīng)因其獨特的田園山區而被人們譽(yù)為“巴基斯坦的瑞士”。
- Zhaishan Tunnel was dug in 1961, because of the war needs.Located at southeast of Gugang village, Jincheng township, it was once called "Damaoshan Tunnel". 民國五十年(西元1961年)因為戰爭需要而開(kāi)挖的翟山坑道,原名大帽山坑道,位于金城鎮古崗村的東南方。
- He got hung up with a phone call as he was leaving. 他剛要動(dòng)身就被一個(gè)電話(huà)給耽誤了。
- He was called as a defense witness. 他被傳喚作被告的證人。
- It is pointed out that EDP should be called as the green NDP. 指出EDP 應為綠色NDP。
- A specialist in forensic medicine was called as a witness in the murder trial. 在那樁謀殺案的審理中,一名法醫專(zhuān)家被召來(lái)作證。
- 17.Northern China was once called Cathay. 17.;中國北方一度被稱(chēng)為華夏。
- It was once thought unmanly not to drink and smoke. 身為男子不抽煙不喝酒曾視為無(wú)男子氣概。
- Alaska was once possessed by Russia. 阿拉斯加一度曾是俄國的領(lǐng)土。
- This is the woman who was once adopted as a baby. 這就是那個(gè)在孩提時(shí)代曾經(jīng)被人寄養過(guò)的婦女。
- I was called as a defense witness. 我被傳喚作被告證人。
- This state is called as insulin resistance. 這種狀態(tài)被稱(chēng)為胰島素抵抗。
- She was once the best singer at the Paris Opera. 她曾是巴黎歌劇院最好的歌唱家。
- Macao is called as "an oriental gem". 澳門(mén)被稱(chēng)作"東方寶石"。