- A modern industrial city is now emerging. 一個(gè)現代化的工業(yè)城市正在興起。
- A plan of reorganization is reported to be now in the works. 據報道一項改組計劃正在擬定之中。
- Details of the continuing probe are just now emerging. 這項調查工作仍在進(jìn)行,有關(guān)細節剛剛露出端倪。
- He was now in the measures of Lewis XIV. 他此刻正與路易十四共商大計。
- I conceive you to be now commending the similes. 我想你現在在稱(chēng)贊這個(gè)比喻了。
- A number of satellites are now circling the earth. 一些人造衛星現在正環(huán)繞地球飛行。
- Most country schools are now kept by young ladies. 多數鄉村學(xué)?,F在都由年輕女士掌管。
- The army was now on the march to Shanghai. 部隊當時(shí)正向上海進(jìn)軍。
- The car was now just a pile of twisted metal. 那輛汽車(chē)已經(jīng)成了一堆壓縮的廢鐵了。
- Some publishers are now diversifying into software. 有些出版社目前正兼營(yíng)軟件。
- "Cities that recently would have been considered fashion backwaters are now emerging as significant regional hubs." “過(guò)去被認為與時(shí)尚毫不沾邊的一些城市如今都脫穎而出,成為重要的時(shí)尚中心?!?/li>
- He should be now glad to compose himself a little. 眼下他很想養養神。
- Indeed, anything untoward was now kept from James. 的確,現在一切不順心的事都小心瞞著(zhù)詹姆士。
- Red squirrels are now very rare in Britain. 紅色的松鼠在英國已十分罕見(jiàn)了。
- They are now living in relative comfort. 他們現在過(guò)著(zhù)比較安逸的生活。
- It is midnight and we are now closing down. 時(shí)間已到午夜,本臺現在停止廣播。
- The new safety regulations are now in force. 新的安全規則現已生效。
- Summer visitors are now trickling home. 避暑客現在開(kāi)始陸陸續續地回家。
- Epidurals are now often used during childbirth. 現在分娩時(shí)常用硬膜外注射。
- Our mail orders are now running at$1,200 a week. 我們現在郵購業(yè)務(wù)是每周期1,200美元。