- Be helpful for nourish hair and eliminate scurf, relax tired. 為秀發(fā)帶來(lái)新的活力,深層滋養,有效去除頑固頭屑,更可安撫心靈,緩解疲憊。
- It would be helpful for me to see the damage for myself. 要能親眼看看造成的破壞會(huì )對我有所幫助。
- Definitely it'll be helpful for my shop opening plan. 對以后開(kāi)店肯定特有幫助。
- Putting a mirror on the floor can be helpful for self-examination. 在地板上放一面鏡子也有助于自我檢查。
- An intercom can be helpful for communicating with spotters. 對講機能使你能更好地與夥伴們溝通.
- All that can be helpful for the normalization design of UHSG wheel. 從而為我國超高速砂輪的標準化設計提供一定的依據。
- Some results can be helpful for developing WiMAX systems. 關(guān)鍵詞:全球微波接入互操作性;
- Be helpful for lighten asthma or cough. Appease nerve and blue mood. 有助于減輕氣喘、咳嗽等癥狀,安撫神經(jīng),消除緊張心理和低沉情緒。
- It was helpful for the research of SERS. 希望以此為SERS工作者提供參考。
- These things are helpful for my life. 而且對我的生活是有幫助的。
- In dining-room, gong Zong's lubricious table, be helpful for stomachic. 餐廳里,紅棕色的餐桌,有利于增進(jìn)食欲。
- Corn must have diuresis effect, also be helpful for reducing weight. 玉米須有利尿作用,也有利于減肥。
- Sports and games are helpful for character-training. 體育運動(dòng)有助于品格培養。
- The two files here are helpful for the labs and field trips. 此處有兩個(gè)文件對實(shí)驗和野外考察有益。
- An efficient automatic parallelizer is helpful for users to exploit the resources of parallel computer. 有效的自動(dòng)并行化能夠幫助用戶(hù)充分利用并行計算機的資源。
- Buddhism advocates that people should be wise, value the life, be merciful, and be helpful for others. 佛家以明辨善惡、勘破正邪、珍惜人生、熱愛(ài)生命、廣行慈悲、澤被生靈為其所大力宣揚的主要內容。
- Tighten the skin and loose the fat. Anti the crapes and be helpful for the looseness of the skin. 強效收斂、緊實(shí)和減肥,防皺,調節皮脂,潔膚。對松垮的肌膚特別有幫助,減輕浮腫現象
- In conclusion, this work proves that TLM can model the system more efficient and be helpful for design exploration. 總結,本論文證明了利用資料交換層級確實(shí)能更有效率的模擬系統層級,并且對于系統開(kāi)發(fā)與評估有很大的幫助。
- It will be helpful for Chinese Managerial Accounting development through summarizing and hackling the revolu... 并在考慮中國的國情的基礎上,借鑒西方發(fā)達國家的做法,就落后問(wèn)題提出了五點(diǎn)解決對策。
- Flow cytometric analysis may be helpful for better understanding of the nature of bilateral RCC. 而去氧核醣核酸流動(dòng)細胞分析對于兩側腎細胞癌性質(zhì)之山解應該是有所幫助的。