- Whole effect appears decorous and easy, concise be able to bear or endure look. 整個(gè)效果顯得高雅大方,簡(jiǎn)潔耐看。
- Be able to bear or endure profaning a gender is the ability that shows coating avoids to be infected with besmirch. 耐玷污性是指涂料避免沾染污漬的能力。
- Whether replace with a kind of new product on the use of material, accomplish economic, be able to bear or endure use. 能否在材料的使用上用一種新產(chǎn)品替代,做到節省、耐使用。我們在鋼筋囤掛里子的材料上進(jìn)行了大膽嘗試。
- Lens still used the most top class SFT plated film on the world, lens is had be able to bear or endure outstandingly cut sex. 尤其是一些難度較高的動(dòng)作,如果把握不好尺度,就極易造成運動(dòng)性損傷,而首當其沖的是那些活動(dòng)范圍較大的、穩定性較差的組織,如腰椎、膝關(guān)節以及韌帶等。
- Although these contradiction are the bagatelle of some of trifles, but, they often most use up marriage be able to bear or endure get power. 雖然這些矛盾都是些雞毛蒜皮的小事,可是,它們往往最消耗婚姻的耐受力。
- Appropriate is fecund with the soil with good drainage, be able to bear or endure barren soil, but avoid by all means slants alkalescent. 宜肥沃和排水良好的土壤,耐瘠薄土壤,但切忌偏堿性。
- Japan is sweet persimmon can store up below microtherm 3-6 month, belong to be able to bear or endure one of lay aside fruit. 日本甜柿在低溫下可貯藏3-6個(gè)月,屬耐貯果品之一。
- "Each athlete " that bring the world to go up innovation and inspiration are to be able to bear or endure of the gram enunciative. "將創(chuàng )新和靈感帶給世界上的每一位運動(dòng)員"是耐克的宣言。
- This product does not contain exterior active aid, be able to bear or endure bibulously, high high water, fight mildew to change, service life is long. 本制品不包含外面活性濟,高吸水、高耐水、抗霉變、應用壽運長(cháng)。
- Absorbed calcium is more adjacent can be able to bear or endure suffer highest intake, the risk that endangers health is bigger. 攝入的鈣越接近可耐受最高攝入量,危害健康的風(fēng)險就越大。
- Cure is inchoate through slow increase dosage to make the patient arises gradually be able to bear or endure to suffer and suit. 治療早期通過(guò)緩慢增加劑量使患者逐漸產(chǎn)生耐受和適應。
- Reduce lactose to if you have lactose to not be able to bear or endure,take quantity disease, when you eat dairy produce, the possibility arises bilge morale problem. 減少乳糖取量假如你有乳糖不耐癥,當你吃乳制品時(shí),可能產(chǎn)生脹氣問(wèn)題。
- Zoology characteristics, avoid high temperature is much wetter, happy event is sunny, do not be able to bear or endure shade, lax to edaphic requirement. 生態(tài)習性,忌高溫多濕,喜陽(yáng)光充足,不耐陰,對土壤要求不嚴。
- What the manner that the problem is this kind of unwilling to give up changes is the other side is more and more however do not be able to bear or endure with cheesed. 問(wèn)題是這種不死心的態(tài)度換來(lái)的卻是對方愈來(lái)愈多的不耐與厭煩。
- If have,be able to bear or endure to tetracycline property of a medicine, can convert erythromycin, methylic erythromycin or element of Luo Gong mildew. 對四環(huán)素若有耐藥性,則可改用紅霉素、甲基紅霉素或羅紅霉素等。
- If patient tooth is substaintial ache is sensitive, cannot be able to bear or endure when getting an operation, the method of usable local anaesthesia will reduce ache. 若患者牙本質(zhì)疼痛敏感,不能耐受手術(shù)時(shí),可用局部麻醉的方法來(lái)減輕疼痛。
- Although can decide none exaggeratively, of Brazilian team seize chief to will overcome a company to bring billow source of revenue to be able to bear or endure. 巴西隊戰勝德國隊捧走大力神杯并不意味著(zhù)耐克品牌就擊敗了阿迪達斯品牌。雖然可以毫不夸張地確定,巴西隊的奪魁將為耐克公司帶來(lái)滾滾財源。
- Do Bao gram or ormosia syrup have don't have a regulation what to candy put to go in is Bao put again can Tibet be able to bear or endure quite in freezer? 煲綠豆或紅豆糖水有沒(méi)規定放什么糖進(jìn)去煲再放冰箱里會(huì )比較耐藏呢?
- Plastic floor, linoleum or ceramic tile are pretty good, because they facilitate,clean, also be able to bear or endure dillydally. 塑膠地板、油毯或瓷磚都不錯,因為它們都便于清洗,也耐磨蹭。
- North criterion appropriate is chosen be able to bear or endure the painting with microtherm, good application property. 北方則宜選用耐低溫、施工性好的涂料。