- This was a recurrent battle between them. 這是他倆之間經(jīng)常發(fā)生的爭吵。
- Shootout n. A battle between military forces. 戰段:軍隊之間的戰斗。
- An aerial battle between fighter planes. 空戰戰斗機的空中戰斗
- What is the Battle Between the Dragon and the Tiger? 龍虎斗是一道什么樣的菜?
- The film describes a battle between the forces of light and dark. 電影描述了光明跟黑暗兩大勢力之間的一場(chǎng)戰爭。
- The battle between the two armies is said to have been a drawn battle. 據說(shuō)兩軍之間的那場(chǎng)戰斗勢均力敵、不分勝負。
- The strike proved to be an all-out battle between management and labour. 這次罷工結果演成勞資之間一場(chǎng)徹底的格斗。
- Micronodular cirrhosis is seen along with moderate fatty change. Note the regenerative nodule surrounded by fibrous connective tissue extending between portal regions. 伴中度脂肪變性的小結節型肝硬化。注意再生的肝細胞小結節被匯管區之間的纖維結締組織包圍。
- Police tried to control the battle between the pro- and anti-abortion mobs. 警察試圖控制墮胎贊成者和墮胎反對者之間的沖突。
- While this battle between day and night continued, Dantes still doubted. 當生死交戰在日夜間繼續持續時(shí),丹尼斯還疑惑著(zhù)。
- Every infection consists of a battle between the invading pathogen and the resisting host. 每次感染都是一次侵染病原體與被侵犯宿主間的戰斗。
- There was a positive correlation between portal vein pressure and the ratio of the length of damaged mucosa and the length of mucosa(LDM/LM that was higher in LC group than in PVS group). 門(mén)靜脈高壓大鼠胃粘膜的損傷比與門(mén)靜脈壓力呈正相關(guān),且肝硬化組明顯大于門(mén)靜脈狹窄組。
- The stage is set for a gruesome battle between the two nemeses, but only one can survive. 最后他們兩個(gè)決一死戰,只有一個(gè)能生存下去。
- But the battle between the flexibility of software vs. the speed of hardware is as old as the computer industry itself. 但是,軟件的靈活性與硬件的速度之爭從計算機工業(yè)開(kāi)始時(shí)就有。
- Giving birth to twins represents the battle between the opposites of your psyche in order to become whole. 生雙胞胎意味著(zhù)你的思想在斗爭以便達成一致。
- To bring about victory or defeat a decisive battle between the two armies is necessary. 實(shí)現這個(gè)勝負,依靠?jì)绍姷臎Q戰。
- The final bout begins between Goku and Jackie Chun. It's a huge battle between master and student with only one winner! 總決賽在小悟空和佳基瓊先生之間展開(kāi)了。這是一場(chǎng)師生之間的重大較量,只有一個(gè)人能成為最終的贏(yíng)家。
- As is always the case when Liverpool meet Chelsea, much is being made of the tactical battle between the two managers. 當利物浦碰切爾西,總是會(huì )成為兩名主帥的戰術(shù)之爭。
- The war was "the decisive battle between the road of revolution and the road of colonialism", a war of short swift thrusts, blockhouse warfare, war of attrition, "protracted war". 是“革命道路和殖民地道路的決戰”;是短促突擊,是堡壘戰,是消耗戰,是“持久戰”;
- There's been a running battle between John and his neighbour for years about the garden fence. 約翰和鄰居多年來(lái)一直為花園隔欄而爭執不休。