- A policy of linking the appropriation of land for non-agricultural construction purposes to land development and reclamation will be implemented. 實(shí)行非農建設占用耕地同開(kāi)發(fā)、復墾掛鉤。
- Many engineering construction utilize embankment fill, for example: subgrade , abutment, retaining wall, foundation pad , base backfill and so on . 研究填方土體的工程性狀和穩定性,對填方體的順利施工,安全運行,有著(zhù)舉足輕重的作用。
- Many engineers now construct new roads using tire chips for backfill and insulation and to give asphalt added springiness and long璭r life. 現在許多工程師在修建公路時(shí)都使用輪胎碎片用來(lái)填充和使之絕緣,也使瀝青更富彈性和壽命更長(cháng)。
- The significance of dealing coal mine collapse pit and reclamation of land are introduced. 介紹了煤礦塌陷坑的治理途徑和復墾的意義。
- We will continue to suspend the scheduled marine piling and reclamation works until the legal proceedings have taken their course. 在有關(guān)訴訟未有結果之前,政府會(huì )繼續暫停該工程的海事打樁和填海工程。
- The paper discusses the influencing analysis of loss of soil and water in borrow areas during the course of terrestrial backfill and its harnessing measures. 該文主要探討福安市白馬港下白石 5 0 0 0噸級通用碼頭在陸域回填過(guò)程中 ,因大量取土引起取土區水土流失的影響分析及防治措施。
- Aromatic hydrocarbon gases venting from decompressional distillation process is treated by cooling and reclamation technique. 用冷卻回收工藝對減壓蒸餾放空的芳烴氣體進(jìn)行處理。
- The mechanical researches showed that reducing length or increasing width of stope were propitious to improve stability of backfill and to lower filling cost. 高階段充填體力學(xué)研究表明:縮短采場(chǎng)長(cháng)度和增大采場(chǎng)寬度有利于充填體穩定性和降低充填成本。
- The comprehensive treatment of urban domestic refuses by principles of "no harm, decrement and reclamation" has become the main trend. 摘要城市生活垃圾綜合處理“無(wú)害化、減量化、資源化”已成大的趨勢。
- The abutments became tilting not only in the north but in the west direction because of the unsymmetrical backfill and two times of landslides of the high road bank... 經(jīng)采用應力解除及水平加載等方案實(shí)施糾偏,使橋臺恢復使用功能,產(chǎn)生較好的社會(huì )及經(jīng)濟效益,為相似的工程提供一定的參考。
- The drainage and use plan of urban sewage and rainwater, and the plan of sewage treatment and reclamation are studied out simultaneously. 根據“雨污分流,清污分流”的原則,擬定了城市污水、雨水的排水及利用方案和污水處理回用規劃方案。
- The Engineer is a multi-purpose construction, repair, capture and reclamation unit. It is amphibious and can skim across the water's surface to construct naval facilities. 工程車(chē)是一個(gè)集建筑,修理,俘獲和回收于一體的多功能單位。它是水陸兩棲的,可以掠過(guò)水面建造海軍設施。
- The Relation between volume of metal consumption and reclamation index of depreciated metal was analyzed,when the metal consumption functions were shown as basic characteristics. 根據金屬折舊再生指數的變化情況,可以分析金屬工業(yè)中金屬折舊再生資源的充足程度。
- The fermentative hydrogen production by using organic wastes can realize three goals: minimization of wastes, reduction of pollution and reclamation of energy. 利用有機廢棄物進(jìn)行發(fā)酵產(chǎn)氫,在實(shí)現有機廢棄物減量處理、資源化、降低污染的同時(shí),可以氫能的形式再生能源。
- I hit him fair and square on the jaw. 我不偏不倚打中他的下巴。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 這是嚴酷的現實(shí),你必須面對它。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。
- She had to scrimp and save to pay for her holiday. 她不得不為付假期的費用而苦苦攢錢(qián)。
- I'll try and rustle you up something to eat. 我設法給你弄點(diǎn)吃的。
- He sprang up and rushed to the door. 他跳起身,跑到門(mén)口。