- The course is so long abstinency, husband couldn't help early, baby strong a baby's completion of its first month of life, he is given out to me ceaselessly " quality " date. 經(jīng)過(guò)這么長(cháng)時(shí)間的禁欲,老公早就忍不住了,寶寶剛滿(mǎn)月,他就不斷地向我發(fā)出“性”號。
- I will visit you to celebrate the completion of his first month of life. 等到你的孩子彌月的時(shí)候,我一定去你家慶祝。
- Baby formula feeding and parental cigarette smoking might have an atherogenic effect on the coronary walls as from the first months of life. 嬰兒配方奶喂養和父母吸煙可能是嬰兒在最初的幾個(gè)月中引起動(dòng)脈壁損傷的原因。
- Each year more than half a million women die from pregnancy-related causes and 10.6 Million children die, 40% of them in the first month of life. 每年有50多萬(wàn)婦女死于與妊娠相關(guān)的疾病,并有1060萬(wàn)兒童死亡,其中40%25死于出生后第一個(gè)月。
- It says an estimated 37 percent of deaths among children occur in the first month of life, and most in the first week of life. 報告表示,在兒童中,估計有37%25的死亡發(fā)生在出生后第一個(gè)月,大多數在出生后第一星期。
- The first month of the Moslem calendar. 回歷正月伊斯蘭教歷法中的第一個(gè)月
- Objective:To study the influence of obese pregnancy with anthropometric parameters and leptin levels of offspring in the first month of life. 目的:研究孕婦肥胖對子代出生1個(gè)月內體格發(fā)育和瘦素濃度的影響。
- The first month of the year in the Jewish calendar. 提市黎日猶太教歷中一年的第一個(gè)月份
- If these conditions cannot be met, the WHO recommends that HIV-infected mothers give their babies only breast milk for the first months of life. 如果這些條件不能滿(mǎn)足的話(huà),世界衛生組織建議感染HIV病毒的母親只能在孩子出生第一個(gè)月對他們進(jìn)行母乳喂養。
- January is the first month of the year. 一月是一年中的第一個(gè)月。
- They lost the nearness of the first month of their marriage. 他們失去了他們結婚頭幾個(gè)月的那種親熱。
- They lost the nearness of the first months of their marriage. 他們失去了他們結婚頭幾個(gè)月的那種親熱。
- LIPIL is nutritionally balanced for your baby's first 12 months of life. LIPIL系列,專(zhuān)為經(jīng)常吐奶的寶寶研制。
- What are you planning to do in the first month of the solar year? 陽(yáng)歷年的新春你準備做什么啊。
- The baby' s first word was " mama ". 嬰兒說(shuō)的第一個(gè)詞是“媽媽”。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 這是嚴酷的現實(shí),你必須面對它。
- My letter will convey some idea of my mode of life. 我的信將使你了解到一些我的生活方式。
- January, the first month of the year,is a time at which one looks forward to the New Year and back to the old year. january(一月),一年的第一個(gè)月,是向前展望新年的時(shí)刻,也是向后回顧舊年的時(shí)刻。
- I haven't played peng-pang in a month of Sundays. 我有好長(cháng)時(shí)間沒(méi)玩乒乓球了。
- We talked for hours about the meaning of life. 我們談人生的意義談了幾個(gè)小時(shí)。