The existing auxiliary wind adjustment has a nonideal quick opening characteristic and intense vortex.This paper offered a new design of the controlling valve. 對鍋爐配風(fēng)二次風(fēng)調節器件進(jìn)行研究,現有的二次風(fēng)調節風(fēng)門(mén)具有極不理想的快開(kāi)特性,另外風(fēng)門(mén)渦流強烈。
They are of the hygroscopic type, able to recover winter moisture from the exhaust air and thus reduce the load on the supply air humidifiers. 它們是吸濕型的,能夠減緩冬季排氣所帶來(lái)的濕氣,因此降低對輔助空氣吸濕器的負擔。
A human body needs a continuous supply of air. 人需要連續不斷地補充空氣。