- Adherence to such dissenting opinion or doctrine. 信奉邪教堅持這種有異議的觀(guān)點(diǎn)或學(xué)說(shuō)
- Branch managers have full autonomy in their own areas. 分支機構的經(jīng)理在其管轄范圍內有充分的自主權。
- If we decentralize, the provinces will have more autonomy. 我們把權力下放,各省就有更多的自主權。
- The separatist is demanding full autonomy for their state. 分裂主義者在要求他們的州完全自治。
- The beliefs, practices, or doctrine of an iconoclast. 反對傳統、毀壞偶像的思想、行為或主義
- The doctrine holding that Jesus was human only and not divine. 基督凡人論認為耶穌是人而非神的教義
- County boroughs lose their autonomy. 自治郡失去了它們的自治權。
- This is the doctrine of the nominalist party. 這是唯名主義學(xué)派的學(xué)說(shuō)。
- Incapable of error in expounding doctrine on faith or morals. 闡述教義無(wú)誤的闡釋有關(guān)信仰或精神的教義時(shí)不出錯的
- They demanded regional autonomy. 他們要求區域自治。
- The third and least common response is autonomy. 第三種最不普遍的反應是自切。
- They offer little challenge or autonomy. 它們沒(méi)有什么戰斗性或主動(dòng)權。
- Believing in or based on the doctrine of predestination. 信仰宿命論的,依據宿命論的相信宿命論教義的或以宿命論教義為基礎的
- Christian doctrine stressing belief in the Trinity. 強調三位一體論的基督教教派。
- The ethical doctrine that morality has its foundations in self-interest. 自私自利認為道德以自我利益為基礎的道德觀(guān)念
- An adherent of the doctrine of illusionism. 物質(zhì)世界幻覺(jué)論者相信物質(zhì)世界幻覺(jué)論的信徒
- The doctrine of purposelessness in nature. 無(wú)目的論認為自然界毫無(wú)目的可言的理論
- "Complete autonomy" means two Chinas, not one. “完全自治”就是“兩個(gè)中國”,而不是一個(gè)中國。
- The six fractious republics are demanding autonomy. 這六個(gè)鬧分裂的加盟共和國要求自治。
- The doctrine that there is no God or gods. 無(wú)神論學(xué)說(shuō)無(wú)上帝或神存在的學(xué)說(shuō)