- Build and maintain personnel training system. 形成和維護人員培訓體系。
- What level is LZ Youth Training System? LZ的青訓設施等級是多少?
- The bus system and train system are really good. 公共交通系統和鐵路系統非常發(fā)達。
- An automatic training system suitable for low-grade mammals in visual and auditory information discrimination tests 適用于低等哺乳動(dòng)物的視聽(tīng)分辨行為自動(dòng)訓練系統
- The bus system and train system are relly good. 公共交通系統和鐵路系統非常發(fā)達。
- Automatic Train ProtectionTo adapt metro signaling to modern, electronic ATP, the overlaps are included into the block system. 自動(dòng)火車(chē)保護 適應地鐵發(fā)信號現代, 電子ATP, 交疊是包括的入塊系統。
- The paper analyzes the systematic framework and functional character of ATC system of Shanghai Metro Line 5 which is based on punctual automatic train control technology. 摘要介紹了上海軌道交通5號線(xiàn)點(diǎn)式列車(chē)控制系統的結構和各子系統功能特點(diǎn)。
- The 1920 National Defense Act defined the training system. 1920年頒布的《國防法》,以法律的形式將這一體制正式確立下來(lái)。
- I am a highly trained system analyst. 我是受過(guò)嚴格培訓的系統分析員。
- Knowledge of varied training systems. 了解不同的培訓體系。
- The paper introduces localized automatic train protection (ATP) system of Jingyue line project of Changchun light rail emphasizing the significance and importance of the system and making detailed analysis on the subsystems by using structure frame chart. 本文介紹了應用在長(cháng)春輕軌凈月線(xiàn)工程中的國產(chǎn)化列車(chē)自動(dòng)超速防護(ATP)系統,強調了本系統的意義及重要性,并且用結構框圖方式對子系統進(jìn)行了細化分析。
- The Advanced Automatic Train Control (AATC) in San Francisco bay railway signal system is introduced briefly, and a method of realizing interoperability by using CBTC technology in our civil city transit system. 簡(jiǎn)要介紹了舊金山BART系統的先進(jìn)的自動(dòng)列車(chē)控制(AATC)技術(shù),并在此基礎上為國內城市軌道交通系統提出了用CBTC技術(shù)實(shí)現聯(lián)通聯(lián)運的方案。
- A flexible education and training system can encourage lifelong learning. 靈活的教育和培訓制度可鼓勵終生學(xué)習。
- Based on the analysis of the ATO's domestic and overseas research condition, the design principle of Maglev Automatic Train Control (MATC) system is brought out, and the structure of MATC as well as the performance of ATO is analyzed. 論文在分析了國內外ATO系統研究現狀基礎上,給出了磁浮列車(chē)運行控制(MATC)系統設計原則,重點(diǎn)分析了MATC的系統結構以及ATO的系統功能。
- This paper presents a new method of automatic detection on target from image captured by outdoor firing training system with complex background.All the images are picked up by a camera on pikestaff. 摘要 提出了一種實(shí)彈射擊演習中的靶子自動(dòng)檢測方法,適合于野外復雜背景下的靶子圖像處理,所有圖像由固定在槍柄上的攝像頭統一采集。
- Contract work ranges from maintenance of full Automatic Train Operation systems for metros to antique mechanical systems on rural branch lines. 我們的合同包括從地鐵的全自動(dòng)列車(chē)運行系統到鄉村支線(xiàn)的舊式機械系統。
- All the signal subsystems of Shanghai rail transit including automatic train control (ATC) are introduced from different countries and factories. 摘要上海軌道交通信號系統均為從國外引進(jìn)不同國家和廠(chǎng)商的列車(chē)自動(dòng)控制(ATC)系統。
- The paper introduces a virtual endoscopy training system which has applied the technology of VR (Virtual Reality). 摘要介紹了一種應用虛擬現實(shí)技術(shù)實(shí)現消化道內窺鏡訓練功能的系統。
- By using the method,it can effectively analyse the aerocraft Simulate Training System's failure. 將此方法運用到飛行器模擬訓練系統中可有效地對該系統進(jìn)行故障分析。
- Abstract: Automatic train protection(ATP)is the necessary kernel of modern railway signal system.,it is important for the safety and effciency of the train's running. 摘 要: ATP是現代鐵路信號系統中不可缺少的核心部分,對列車(chē)的運行安全、提高行車(chē)效率起著(zhù)重要作用。