- I was called as an expert witness. 我被作為專(zhuān)家證人傳喚。
- These professionals are also called upon to analyze business transactions and serve as expert witnesses during litigation. 這些專(zhuān)家也被召集去分析經(jīng)濟交易和在訴訟中充當專(zhuān)家證人。
- An expert witness was summoned to court. 一位專(zhuān)家證人被傳喚到法院。
- He has trained law enforcement agencies and has testified as an expert witness in casino cheating cases. 他在賭博娛樂(lè )場(chǎng)欺詐的事例訓練了執法機構和作證作為一個(gè)專(zhuān)家證人。
- His case is not help by the evidence of the expert witness. 專(zhuān)家證人的證據沒(méi)有給該案幫上忙。
- I'm as expert as a palsy victim doing brain surgery with a pipe wrench. 我就像拿著(zhù)管鉗做著(zhù)腦部手術(shù)的名醫 一樣得心應手
- I have also been an expert witness at a tragic accident when a belay failed. 我也一直是確保失敗這種悲慘意外發(fā)生時(shí)的作證專(zhuān)家。
- Few writers are as expertly equipped for this task. 數作家無(wú)所不談,有能力實(shí)現這一任務(wù)。
- The bomb blew up as experts tried to defuse it. 專(zhuān)家們試圖拆除引信時(shí)炸彈爆炸了。
- The corroboratory department and the expert witness shall submit a written conclusion of corroboration and sign or seal the corroboration bill. 鑒定部門(mén)和鑒定人應當提出書(shū)面鑒定結論,在鑒定書(shū)上簽名或者蓋章。
- Any expert witness who intentionally makes a false evaluation shall assume legal responsibility therefrom. 鑒定人故意作虛假鑒定的,應當承擔法律責任。
- This model employs the outlier's net profit of the special commodity as expert grade to build expert-object matrix. 該方案用門(mén)店特定商品的純利潤作為專(zhuān)家評分,構造專(zhuān)家 目標矩陣。
- Pitch yourself as expert in those areas, and don't worry about downplaying or leaving out the rest. 告訴他們你是在那些方面的專(zhuān)家,這樣你就用不著(zhù)擔心他們對你不予重視或者不 予考慮了。
- The expert witness testimony presented in the Kitzmiller trial was devastating for intelligent design's scientific pretensions. 專(zhuān)家證人在基斯米勒一案中的證詞,對智慧設計的科學(xué)偽裝有致命打擊。
- It owns a QC team with 6-Sigma, CNBA registered auditor and IRCA chief auditor as the core, and a quality assurance system with 25 control points. 擁有一支由六西格瑪、CNBA注冊審核員、英國IRCA主任審核員為核心的品管團隊,25道控制點(diǎn)的品質(zhì)保障體系。
- Langer, one of those protesting, tells the WSJ. (He has sered as an expert witness for Wyeth, maker of hormone replacements. 并且在這個(gè)項目的一些研究人員也說(shuō),最初的對27000名婦女的臨床研究的報告并不精確,如果科學(xué)人員再去重新衡量的話(huà),就會(huì )發(fā)現差別。
- The big guns for the prosecution were its expert witnesses. 這些被舉報的要人是重要的證人
- As a general matter, the courts ought to be at least as expert as the agencies in interpreting constitutional and statutory requirements, and they are comparatively disinterested. 作為一般事實(shí),法院在解釋?xiě)椃ㄒ蠛头ǘㄒ蠓矫嬷辽賾摵托姓C關(guān)一樣富有經(jīng)驗,且兩者都是比較公正無(wú)私的。
- At the background of the adversary system, expert witness system emphasizes that the adversaries participate in the procedure and play an important role in the lawsuit. 專(zhuān)家證人制度以當事人主義訴訟模式為背景,強調當事人在訴訟中的作用以及對程序的參與性,當事人可以自行聘請專(zhuān)家證人參加訴訟,專(zhuān)家證言需經(jīng)雙方當事人及法官詢(xún)問(wèn)后方可被采信。
- If the party has demurrer to the qualification of the expert witness, like the professional knowledge, education background, he can inquire the expert witness in court. 當事人對出庭的專(zhuān)業(yè)人員是否具備相應專(zhuān)業(yè)知識、學(xué)歷、資歷等專(zhuān)業(yè)資格等有異議的,可以進(jìn)行詢(xún)問(wèn)。