- The book has not yet been audited. 這些帳冊還未被審計。
- Let's keep tabs on expenditures. 讓們密切注意開(kāi)支情況
- An audit is conducted by investigating revenues and expenditures. 審計的客體是財政、財務(wù)收支。
- Expenditures by the Federal Government have been steadily pared. 聯(lián)邦政府的開(kāi)支正在逐漸削減。
- As usual, the yearly audit will take place in December. 跟往常一樣,年度審計將在十二月份進(jìn)行。
- They are prodigal in their expenditures. 他們揮霍無(wú)度。
- Income and expenditures exactly balance. 收支恰好相抵。
- The company's books are audited every year. 這家公司的帳目每年都核對。
- He checked the expenditures on the books. 他查對賬目上的支出情況。
- Kept a close watch on expenditures. 保持對支出的謹慎關(guān)注。
- We have just had our accounts audited. 我們的賬目剛完成審計。
- Audit was a sitting of the council in Exchequer. 審議是該會(huì )議在財政部的一次例令。
- We should axe nonproductive expenditures. 我們應該大力削減非生產(chǎn)性開(kāi)支。
- For example, bad LTPA tokens are audited. 比如,錯誤的LTPA令牌審查。
- No access attempts are to be audited. 將不審核任何訪(fǎng)問(wèn)嘗試。
- All access attempts are audited. 審核所有訪(fǎng)問(wèn)嘗試。
- I have to adjust my expenditures to my income. 我必須量入而出。
- Nonproductive expenditures keep tapering down. 非生產(chǎn)性開(kāi)支一直在下降。
- Limit your expenditures to what is necessary. 節縮你的支出在必要?圍之內。
- Second, expenditures must be reduced. 二要努力節省開(kāi)支。