- Demonstrators attacked police cordons with sticks and assorted missiles. 示威者用棍棒和各種投射物向警察的封鎖線(xiàn)進(jìn)攻。
- cases of attacking police with violence 暴力襲警事件
- The "East Turkistan" terrorists also furiously attacked police and government institutions, and committed crimes of poison and arson in some cities. “東突”恐怖分子還猖狂地襲擊警察和政府機關(guān),并在一些城市制造了一系列投毒、縱火案。
- Riots erupted after the blast as protesters set fire to dozens of vehicles and buildings and attacked police. 爆炸后發(fā)生了騷亂,示威者放火焚燒了數十輛車(chē)輛和建筑物,并襲擊警察。
- The police cracked the case in one week. 該案警察在一周內就偵破了。
- They denounced him to the police as a criminal. 他們向警方告發(fā)他是罪犯。
- The police are launching a major attack on drug dealers. 警方對毒品販子發(fā)動(dòng)了大規模的攻擊。
- In particular the Nanjing Public Security Bureau Criminal Investigation Bureau chief CHEN Yang, sub-basaltic Interpol chief Mo Health and other major police cases, are busy day and night cases. 尤其是南京市公安局刑偵局大隊長(cháng)陳洋、玄武分局刑警大隊長(cháng)莫文生等主要辦案民警,都是夜以繼日地忙于辦案。
- The bandits reeled back under police attack. 匪徒在警察的進(jìn)攻下向後潰退。
- Our radar pinpointed the attacking planes. 我們的雷達確定了來(lái)襲敵機的精確方位。
- At the committal proceedings the police withdrew their case. 警方在轉交訴訟程序中撤銷(xiāo)了案件。
- The revolutionaries are attacking the palace. 革命分子在攻打王宮。
- This case is representative of the attitudes of the police. 這個(gè)事例典型地反映了警方的態(tài)度。
- The police hustled the tramps into the patrol car. 警察將那些流浪者強行推入巡邏車(chē)中。
- The chairman started out by attacking the first speaker. 主席是以攻擊第一個(gè)發(fā)言人開(kāi)始他的講話(huà)的。
- The article is a savage attack on her past action. 那篇文章對她過(guò)去的行為進(jìn)行了惡毒的攻擊。
- Police are still looking for a smoking gun in the kidnapping case. 警察仍然在尋找綁架案的有力證據。
- The police are responsible for the enforcement of the law. 警察負責執法。
- Constantly troubling or attacking. 不斷打擾的,不斷攻擊的
- The police dredged up the parcel from the muddy river. 警方從渾濁的河水中撈出包裹。