- It suits me to start work at a later time. 對我來(lái)說(shuō),最好晚一點(diǎn)再開(kāi)始工作。
- You can also register at a later time. 您也可以在以后進(jìn)行注冊。
- Suspend can be retried at a later time. 在這之后的一段時(shí)間可以再次嘗試暫停。
- We'll calculate it according to contracted price at a later time. 差額最后按合同價(jià)格計算。
- To define the start and end offsets of a scope at a later time. 一起使用,以定義范圍的起始和結束偏移量。
- They might "undelete" it at a later time and read it. 他們可能會(huì )在以后"撤消刪除",然后進(jìn)行閱讀。
- This will enable you to decrypt the message/file at a later time. 此將啟用您到解密訊息/檔案在稍后時(shí)間。
- The difference is calculated according to the contracted price at a later time. 差額最后按合同價(jià)格結算。
- The certificate will be issued by the certification authority at a later time. 證書(shū)頒發(fā)機構會(huì )在以后頒發(fā)該證書(shū)。
- After you uninstall the Extender, you can add it again at a later time. 卸載擴展器后,以后還可以添加。
- To take(an examination or a course) again or at a later time because of previous absence or failure. 補考,補課因為以前缺席或不及格在一段時(shí)間后再考或再上課
- You can run |1 Setup in its entirety at a later time to complete the installation. 可以稍后運行完整的 |1 安裝程序來(lái)完成安裝。
- A reentrant function can be interrupted at any time and resumed at a later time without loss of data. 可重入函數可以在任意時(shí)刻被中斷,稍后再繼續運行,不會(huì )丟失數據。
- To copy the ISO Image downloads to your computer to burn a CD at a later time click Save or Save this program to disk. 若要將ISO映像下載文件復制到您的計算機上供以后刻錄CD,請單擊“保存”或“將該程序保存到磁盤(pán)”。
- To copy the document to your computer for viewing at a later time, click Save or Save this program to disk. 要將文檔復制到計算機上供以后查看,請單擊“保存”或“將此程序保存到磁盤(pán)”。
- To copy the download to your computer for installation at a later time, click Save or Save this program to disk. 請選擇“保存到磁盤(pán)”以保存下載程序到機器上以后安裝。
- To download the ISO image to your computer and burn a CD at a later time click Save or Save this program to disk. 要將ISO映像下載文件復制到您的計算機上供以后刻錄CD,請單擊“保存”或“將該程序保存到磁盤(pán)”。
- To save the download to your computer for installation at a later time, click Save. 要將下載內容保存到計算機上以便在以后安裝,請單擊“保存”。
- Saving the details helps you repeat the operation at a later time without having to step through the wizard each time. 保存詳細信息有助于您在以后重復執行該操作,而不必每次都逐步完成向導。
- Mark this key as exportable. This will allow you to back up or transport your keys at a later time. 標志此密鑰為可導出的。這將允許您在稍后備份或傳輸密鑰。