- 活性,抗炎anti-inflammatory activity
- 抗炎退熱片Kangyan Tuire Tablets
- 什么是1-2連擊?What is one-two?
- 抗炎一號注射液Kangyan No. I
- 2比1,倫敦隊勝。Two to one in favour of the London team.
- 1Fructose 1
- 雷公藤多甙的抗炎和免疫抑制作用Effects of Polyglycosides of Tripterygium Wilfordii Hook on Inflammation and Immune Suppression
- 千克是1公噸。1000 kilos is a metric ton. 1000
- 珍珠水提取液的抗炎、抗氧化作用Anti-inflammation and Antioxidation of Pearl Water Extract
- 1.花招sleight of hand
- 咳嗽、發(fā)熱、抗炎治療病灶吸收緩慢Cough, fever, and delayed remission of pulmonary lesion after antibiotic therapy
- 1. 口才the gift of the gab
- 麝珠明目散的抗炎和耐缺氧實(shí)驗研究Experimental study on Anti-inflammatory and Resist hypoxia Action of Shezhu Mingmu San
- 1. 凌晨the wee small hours
- 2型糖尿病及其大血管病變的抗炎治療進(jìn)展The Anti-inflammatory Therapy of Type 2 Diabetes and Its Complications of Great Vessels
- 1.挑戰throw down the gauntlet
- 紫花洗劑的抗炎、鎮痛、止癢和抗滴蟲(chóng)實(shí)驗Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipruritic and antitrichomonal effects of Zihua Lotion
- 他富于想象方,只幾分鐘就能寫(xiě)出1首五行打油詩(shī)。He is full of imagination and can knock off a limerick in a few minutes.
- 舒咽靈軟膠囊的抗炎、抗菌和免疫調節作用Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and immune regulation effects of shuy-anling soft capsule
- 他反駁說(shuō)我管不著(zhù)(參看 1 a)。He retorted that it was no business of mine.