- This would hardly commend him to the new African states. 僅此一點(diǎn)就很難使他為非洲的新興國家所歡迎。
- Guinea-Bissau population of West African States more than 100 million, is the world's poorest countries. 西非國家幾內亞比紹人口100多萬(wàn),是世界上最貧困國家之一。
- The Economic Community of West African States says it may impose sanctions on Niger. 西非國家經(jīng)濟共同體表示,將可能對尼日爾實(shí)行制裁。
- To this end, it welcomed the establishment of the WIPO Audit Committee whose membership included two African states, Nigeria and Togo. 為此,它歡迎成立WIPO審計委員會(huì ),指出其成員包括尼日利亞和多哥兩個(gè)非洲國家。
- In less than 48 hours, United Nations troops, supplied largely by neutral Powers including Asian and African States, began to arrive in Congo. 在不到四十八小時(shí)之內,一支大部分由包括亞洲和非洲國家在內的中立國家提供的聯(lián)合國部隊就開(kāi)始抵達剛果。
- Votes have been counted in a presidential election in the west African state of Congo-Brazzaville. 西非國家剛果布拉柴維爾總統選舉的計票工作正在進(jìn)行。
- The national tree of the Central African state of Malawi could soon be extinct due to massive logging. 中非馬拉威境內的樹(shù)木,因為大量的砍伐可能要絕種了。
- Many African states are too small to continue to exist independently, Sudan-born magnate Mo Ibrahim has told a conference in Tanzania. 蘇丹出生的大資本家易卜拉欣在坦桑尼亞一個(gè)新聞發(fā)布會(huì )上稱(chēng),許多非洲國家面積太小,不足以繼續獨立存在。
- On Wednesday, Secretary Clinton is to address a Nairobi forum that seeks to boost U.S. trade with about 40 African states. 克林頓星期三將在內羅畢的一個(gè)論壇上講話(huà),尋求促進(jìn)美國和大約40個(gè)非洲國家的貿易。
- As with last year, priority is being given to African states -- Angola, the Great Lakes countries; Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia and Sudan; West and southern Africa. 去年非洲最需要援助的國家有安哥拉、大湖區國家、厄立特里亞、埃塞俄比亞、索馬里、蘇丹和西南非洲國家。
- Last week, a spokeswoman for Madonna denied comments by officials in the African state that the performer had adopted a child. 上周,非洲一國家的官員聲明麥當娜收養了一名孩子,麥當娜的發(fā)言人對此予以否認。
- I recall some years ago seeing a table of international cost-of-living comparisons, which showed a small African state way out in front. 記得幾年前看過(guò)一個(gè)比較全球各國生活指數的排名榜,非洲某小國竟然排在很前的位置。
- He has chaired the Organisation of African Unity (the African Union's forerunner) and the Economic Community of West African States, better known as ECOWAS. 一位在首都瓦加杜古工作的人權運動(dòng)工作人員說(shuō):“他是一名軍人,所以他考慮問(wèn)題也會(huì )從長(cháng)遠的戰略上出發(fā)。
- After many years of war and misrule, Liberia, the west African state founded by freed American slaves, is a shattered nation. 賴(lài)比瑞亞,這個(gè)由獲得解放的美洲黑奴返回非洲所建立的國家,經(jīng)過(guò)長(cháng)年內戰與無(wú)政府的混亂后,已經(jīng)是一個(gè)分崩離析的悲慘世界。
- Two outbreaks of bird flu among poultry in Benin are the deadly H5N1 strain, the agriculture minister of the small West African state said. 西非一小國農業(yè)部長(cháng)說(shuō)貝爾灣家禽中兩次爆發(fā)的禽流感系H5N1致命種.
- It is the first time that the Community Court of Justice of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), whose rulings are binding, has heard a case of slavery. 這也是裁決具有約束力的西非國家經(jīng)濟共同體的社區司法法庭第一次受理奴役的案子。
- China says it will send warships to the waters off Somalia to join an international force combating pirates operating out of the lawless African state. 中國方面表示,將派戰艦到索馬里附近海域,加入國際武裝力量,打擊以索馬里這個(gè)毫無(wú)法制國家為基地的海盜。
- Albania opened trade negotiations with France, Italy, and the recently independent Asian and African states, and in 1971 it normalized relations with Yugoslavia and Greece. 阿爾巴尼亞與法國、意大利和獨立不久的亞洲、非洲國家開(kāi)展談判。1971年,它與南斯拉夫和希臘實(shí)現了關(guān)系正?;?。
- The leader of Tuesday's military coup in the West African state of Guinea has led a parade of hundreds of soldiers through the streets of the capital Conakry. 星期二,在西非國家幾內亞,意外成功的軍事行動(dòng)領(lǐng)導人進(jìn)行了上百士兵的閱兵儀式,行進(jìn)過(guò)程通過(guò)了首都科納克里的幾條大街。
- Trinidad, Argentina and Cuba were rated highest among Latin American and Caribbean countries, and Lesotho was the top-rated African state in gender parity. 美國名列第27位,這是該報告發(fā)布三年來(lái)美國首次超過(guò)其鄰國加拿大。加拿大下跌13個(gè)榜位,跌至第31位。