- His incompetent colleague was axed as a warning to other employees. 作為對其他員工的警告,他的一個(gè)不勝任的同事被解聘了。
- The gang decided to rough him up,as a warning to others. 暴徒們決定揍他一頓,作為對別人的警告。
- The judge said the punishment would serve as a warning to others. 法官說(shuō)這種懲罰將起到殺一儆百的作用。
- The gang decided to rough him up, as a warning to others. 暴徒們決定揍他一頓,作為對別人的警告。
- Loose chippings,eg as a warning to motorists. 小心路面碎石(如用以警告開(kāi)車(chē)的人).
- Danger! Loose chippings, eg as a warning to motorists. 小心路面碎石(如用以警告開(kāi)車(chē)的人)。
- Danger ! Loose chippings, eg as a warning to motorists. 危險! 小心路面碎石(如用以警告開(kāi)車(chē)的人).
- Severely punish the ringleader as a warning to the rest. 重辦這個(gè)為首的,懲一儆百。
- Two of the rebel leaders were strung up as a warning to the others. 兩個(gè)叛亂頭目被處以絞刑, 以儆效尤。
- Danger! Loose chippings,eg as a warning to motorists. 危險!小心路面碎石(如用以警告開(kāi)車(chē)的人).
- But it serves as a warning to well-meaning legislators. 然而,這對善意的立法者應起到警醒作用。
- Let this be an example (ie May this punishment serve as a warning) to you. 你要以此為鑒戒。
- At this point Comrade Chen Yun remarked: As the saying goes,execute one as a warning to a hundred. 陳云同志:殺一儆百。殺一些可以挽救一大批干部。
- In a way, I am glad you made that mistake, for it will serve as a warning to you. 從某一方面來(lái)說(shuō),你犯了那個(gè)錯誤我倒是很高興,因為它可以作為對你的一次警告。
- Used as a warning to watch out for a potential source of danger, as at a construction site. 危險警告如在建筑工地上用作警告以提醒注意潛在的危險源
- Experts regarded it as a warning signal of an economic smashup. 專(zhuān)家們把它看作是一場(chǎng)經(jīng)濟災難的警告信號。
- I believe it is and we should take it as a warning. 我以為我們是應該警惕的,應該引以為教訓的。
- No trespassing, ie as a warning sign. 嚴禁擅自進(jìn)入(告示用語(yǔ)).
- His license was revoked as a warning. 他被吊銷(xiāo)執照,以示懲戒。
- A punishment given as a warning or deterrent. 警戒,警告作為警告或阻止而做出的懲罰