- Effects of the diets on growth and reproduction of Artemia sp. 餌料對鹵蟲(chóng)生長(cháng)和生殖的影響。
- We have artemia cysts with good quality and competive price. 我處有大量俄羅斯豐年蟲(chóng)卵,質(zhì)量可靠。
- Thaw the fish roe, sea urchin, and Artemia nauplii in a separate bowl. 將魚(yú)籽,海膽和豐年蝦分別放在碗里。
- Title: Effects of the diets on growth and reproduction of Artemia sp. 關(guān)鍵詞:鹽藻;酵母;麩皮;鹵蟲(chóng);生長(cháng);生殖
- Artemia eggs rich in resources, and broad prospects for development. 鹵蟲(chóng)卵資源豐富,開(kāi)發(fā)前景廣闊。
- A comparative study of lipid content and fatty acid composition in live foods from fertilized pond and Artemia sp. 土池肥水培育的生物餌料與鹵蟲(chóng)無(wú)節幼體的脂類(lèi)及脂肪酸組成的比較研究。
- When it was 13 days old,the bait would changed to nauplius of Artemia and baby-size Cladocera、Copepoda. 13日齡后的仔魚(yú)開(kāi)始陸續投喂鹵蟲(chóng)無(wú)節幼體和小型的枝角類(lèi)、橈足類(lèi)等。
- Artemia cyst is the diapause egg of the artmeia hopper, dwelling in the salt-water reservoirs. 阿特梅爾孢囊是阿特梅爾蚤的休眠卵,棲息于咸水水庫。
- Thunberg), hard clam and brine shrmp (Artemia salina Linnaeus) by electroporaton. 國立臺灣大學(xué)漁業(yè)科學(xué)研究所養殖組碩士論文.
- Energizing pomegranate complex is Dr.Murad's exclusive blend of artemia extract and pomegranate extract, plus pomegranate seed oil. 活力石榴復雜博士穆拉德的獨家配方鹵蟲(chóng)提取和石榴提取物,加上石榴籽油。
- Reproductive and adult morphological characters of Artemia from Lagkor Co, Tibet were investigated under standardized culture conditions. 在標準培養條件下研究了西藏拉果錯鹵蟲(chóng)的繁殖特征和成體形態(tài)特征。
- Sorgeloos. P.et al. amaanual fir the culture and use of brine shrimp Artemia in aquaculture[M].State niversity of Ghent, Belgium, 1986.319. 任慕蓮;郭焱;王基琳;等.;中國西北部鹽湖鹵蟲(chóng)生態(tài)及資源[M]
- Brine shrimp(Artemia) is widely distributed in inner land salt lake and coasting saltworks, it belongs to Crustacea, Branchiopoda, Anostacea, Artemidae, Artemia. 鹵蟲(chóng)(Artemia)隸屬于甲殼綱(Crustacea)、無(wú)甲目(Anostacea)、鹵蟲(chóng)屬(Artemia)。
- Except those for Artemia soling, the upper limits of salinity tolerance of both saline and freshwater zooplanktons in this region are higher than those reported by other authors. 除了鹽水鹵蟲(chóng)外,無(wú)論鹽水種和淡水種在這里出現的最高鹽度均較其他作者記載的為高。
- A. franciscana dominated in the remanent replicate of salinity 100, while in the remanent one of salinity 200, the two Artemia species coexisted with equal population. 鹽度100競爭組剩下的一個(gè)重復中舊金山鹵蟲(chóng)略占優(yōu)勢,鹽度150競爭組剩下的一個(gè)重復中2種鹵蟲(chóng)以等大種群共存。
- When used together, extracts of artemia, pomegranate and pomegranate seed oil create a dynamic blend that keeps cells functioning at their highest level. 一起使用時(shí),提取物的鹵蟲(chóng),石榴和石榴籽油創(chuàng )造一個(gè)充滿(mǎn)活力的混合功能,讓細胞的最高水平。
- Artemia is also a very important food resource in aqualculture, as well as plays a significant role in environment protection and monitoring, salt manufacture. 鹵蟲(chóng)也是水產(chǎn)養殖中十分重要的一種餌料來(lái)源之一,同時(shí)在環(huán)境保護和監測、制鹽業(yè)等方面也具有十分重要的作用。
- Artemia sp. 鹵蟲(chóng)
- Genchem has recently developed many new products based on its advanced production facilities capable of micro-encapsulation. This is the first artificial feed that may substitute natural artemia. 維仁公司以先進(jìn)的設備開(kāi)發(fā)出微膠囊飼料,是取代豐年蟲(chóng)活飼料的最佳選擇替代品。
- The artificially synthetic oligonucleotides probe of the trachealess gene of Artemia sinica with the mark of FITC has found out that trachealess gene is expressed in the salt gland of the back head of the nauplius. 人工合成帶有FITC標記的鹵蟲(chóng)trh基因(trachealess gene)寡核苷酸探針,檢測到trh基因在鹵蟲(chóng)無(wú)節幼體的頭部背面鹽腺中表達。