- The forthcoming talks hold out the hope of real arms reductions. 即將舉行的會(huì )談給實(shí)現真正的裁軍帶來(lái)了希望。
- The forthcoming talk hold out the hope of real arms reduction. 即將舉行的會(huì )談給實(shí)現真正的裁軍帶來(lái)了希望。
- I intend to search for peace along two parallel paths -- deterrence and arms reduction. 我打算沿著(zhù)兩道并行不悖的道路去謀求和平:威懾和削減武器。
- He said it will replace the soon-to-expire Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with even deeper cuts in nuclear arsenals. 兩國總統在結束莫斯科峰會(huì )時(shí)宣布了以上的會(huì )談結果。
- The arms reduction treaty is the result of painstaking mutual efforts that once threatened to fail yet succeeded just now. 裁減武器條約是雙方歷經(jīng)辛苦努力,一度可能失敗,直到最近才獲致成功的結果。
- He says , it will replace the spier unreduction treating soon-to-expire Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with even deeper cuts in nuclear ausnoarsenals. 他說(shuō),這份協(xié)約將取代即將到期的戰略武器削減條約,進(jìn)一步減少核武器。
- Referring to the joint statement issued by the presidents, Nesterenko reiterated several areas of cooperation, including strategic arms reduction. 涅斯捷連科在提到兩位總統的聯(lián)合聲明時(shí),重申幾個(gè)雙方合作議題,包括削減戰略武器。
- The deal to conclude a new arms reduction treaty with Moscow, which would slash stockpiles by about a third was a beginning, setting the stage for further cuts. 這份協(xié)議將與俄羅斯達成新的武器削減條款,條款規定將大幅削減大約三分之一的核武器,而且這還是開(kāi)始,是為進(jìn)一步削減計劃打下基礎。
- He says it will replaces replace the soon buyers arms reduction treaty soon-to-expire Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with even deeper cuts in nuclear arsenals. 他說(shuō)此項關(guān)于進(jìn)一步消減核武器的協(xié)議將取代即將到期的戰略武器消減協(xié)議。
- A bright red welt rose on his arm. 他的手臂上起了明顯的條狀紅腫。
- They interred their dear comrade in the arms. 他們埋葬了他們親愛(ài)的戰友。
- The soldiers were ordered to present arms. 士兵們奉命舉槍致敬。
- He stood in front of the shop with arms akimbo. 他兩手叉腰,站在鋪子前。
- It is a barbarous way to extend territory by arms. 以武力擴張領(lǐng)土是一種野蠻的方式。
- We stand firmly for the maintenance of world peace, for the relaxation of international tension and for arms reduction -- above all, the reduction of the superpowers' nuclear and other weapons -- and we are opposed to all forms of aggression and hegemony. 我們堅決主張維護世界和平,緩和國際緊張局勢,裁減軍備,首先是裁減超級大國的核軍備和其他軍備,反對一切侵略和霸權主義。
- The talks are aimed at radical reductions in the level of weapons. 那些會(huì )談都以大幅度裁減軍備為目標。
- He hold on to my arm with a tenacious grip. 他緊緊抓住我的手臂不放。
- The gymnast extended her arms horizontally. 那女子體操運動(dòng)員雙臂平伸。
- We stand firmly for the maintenance of world peace,for the relaxation of international tension and for arms reduction -- above all,the reduction of the superpowers'nuclear and other weapons -- and we are opposed to all forms of aggression and hegemony. 我們堅決主張維護世界和平,緩和國際緊張局勢,裁減軍備,首先是裁減超級大國的核軍備和其他軍備,反對一切侵略和霸權主義。
- Her hands rested on the arms of her chair. 她的雙手擱在椅子的扶手上。