- The capital has been occupied by the rebel army. 叛軍已占領(lǐng)了首都。
- They should be Caucasia rebel army? 應該是高加索叛軍吧?
- Armed rebel forces who fled to other places were dissolved. 流竄于其他地區的叛亂武裝也相繼瓦解。
- He was to flee his native village to join the rebel army. 他被迫逃離家鄉參加了叛軍。
- He was forced to flee his native village to join the rebel army. 他被迫逃離家鄉參加了叛軍。
- The rebel army is attempting to subvert the government. 叛軍企圖顛覆政府。
- There were unconfirmed reports that the rebel army was advancing on the town. 據未經(jīng)證實(shí)的報告說(shuō), 叛軍正向市區推進(jìn)。
- There were unconfirmed reports that the rebel army was advancing upon the town. 據未經(jīng)證實(shí)的報告說(shuō), 叛軍正向市區推進(jìn)。
- Armed rebels advanced towards the capital. 武裝叛亂分子向首都推進(jìn)。
- Its 23,000-strong rebel army is corralled under UN eyes, but intact. 盡管受到聯(lián)合國的嚴加監督,但23000多毛派叛軍仍在我行我素。
- The convention takes a strong stand against armed rebel groups, which can now also be held responsible for uprooting civilians. 協(xié)議堅決反對那些驅趕公民的反動(dòng)武裝力量,這些武裝力量如今也需要這樣的行為負起責任。
- An armed rebel seen standing in the forest. The Maoists survive by extorting taxes from anyone doing business in the forest. 一位武裝反抗者在森林站崗。毛主義通過(guò)向在森林地帶做生意的每一個(gè)人征收稅款得以生存。
- The General pulled the teeth of the rebel army by blocking its ammunition supply line. 將軍切斷了叛軍的軍火供給線(xiàn),使其喪失力量。
- The armed rebels had barricaded themselves in the old town. 武裝叛亂分子已躲入舊城。
- They live in the regions of Pader and Kitgum where a rebel army has plundered and raided for decades. 他們住在帕德和奇剛地區,幾十年來(lái)慘遭叛軍的劫掠與突襲。
- However, on the evening of March 17, Galoins Surkang, Neuxar and Xaisur and other rebel leaders held the Dalai Lama under duress and carried him away from Lhasa to Shannan, the "base" of the armed rebel forces. 但是,3月17日夜,噶倫索康、柳霞、夏蘇等叛亂頭目挾持達賴(lài)喇嘛逃離拉薩,前往叛亂武裝的“根據地”山南。
- The Ming dynasty (1368-1644) was founded by a Han Chinese peasant and former Buddhist monk turned rebel army leader Zhu Yuanzhang. 曾經(jīng)做過(guò)和尚的漢族農民起義軍首領(lǐng)朱元璋建立了明朝(1368-1644)。
- Defying every prediction but its own, the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), until two years ago a feared rebel army, won handsomely. 尼泊爾共產(chǎn)黨(毛派),一個(gè)兩年前還讓人望而生畏的反政府武裝組織,打破了所有選前預測,在選舉中打了一場(chǎng)漂亮的勝仗,如它自己所預言。
- A group of armed rebels seized control of the national radio headquarters. 一群武裝叛亂分子控制了國家電臺總部。
- The armed rebels harassed Qamdo,Dengqen,Heihe and Shannan. They killed cadres,disrupted communication lines,and attacked institutions and army troops stationed there by the central authorities. They looted,cruelly persecuted people and raped women. 武裝叛亂分子竄擾昌都、丁青、黑河、山南等地區,殺戮干部,破壞交通,襲擊中央派駐當地的機關(guān)、部隊,并到處搶掠財物,殘害人民,奸淫婦女。