- But the underbalance drilling technology on diesel tail gas i... 但該技術(shù)不適應產(chǎn)水氣井,也不適于高壓氣井。
- In recent years,gas drilling technology is successfully applied in many oilfields in China for its remarkable predominance over conventional fluid drilling in some respects. 近年來(lái),由于氣體鉆井技術(shù)在某些方面有著(zhù)常規鉆井液鉆井不可比擬的優(yōu)勢而在國內得以大范圍地推廣應用。
- This drilling fluid meets the requirements of aerated drilling technology. 該鉆井液可滿(mǎn)足充氣工藝要求。 此外,該鉆井液密度連續可調。
- Instead, they applied drilling steel, pickaxe and bearing cushion contained slight technological element. 他們重新分配人手,并將吊車(chē)暫時(shí)停下來(lái),動(dòng)之以鋼釬、鎬頭、還有略有科技含量的承重氣墊。
- The gas drilling technology is increasingly applied these days due to its high ROP, effective prevention of the cave-in of water-sensitive shales and the capability to eliminate lost circulations. 氣體鉆井由于其機械鉆速快,能有效防止水敏性泥頁(yè)巖坍塌,杜絕井漏。
- Sidetracking slimhole drilling technology is successfully applied in Zhongyuan oilfield in order to contain the well condition worsen,trap the resource potential and increase the penetration rate. 在小井眼開(kāi)窗側鉆工藝中成功應用復合鉆井技術(shù),鉆井速度提高了66%25,選擇合理的鉆具組合可對井眼軌跡進(jìn)行有效的控制。
- Application of ultra-short radius radial wells drilling technology in wei-5 well. 超短半徑輻射分支水平鉆井技術(shù)在韋5井的應用
- The results show that the drilling technology of forming DTH hamer has developping prospect. 結果表明,泡沫潛孔錘鉆進(jìn)技術(shù)有著(zhù)廣泛的應用前景。
- Underbalanced drilling technology can increase ROP and decrease formation damage,so it is increasingly used worldwide. 欠平衡鉆井技術(shù)可以降低地層損害、提高機械鉆速,所以在世界范圍內被逐漸采用。
- But the fourth spudding has been completed because of applying the no_plugging drilling technology. 采用無(wú)封堵鉆井技術(shù),順利地完成了該井四開(kāi)鉆進(jìn)任務(wù)。
- The oil-well exploitations were improved rapidly with the development of drilling technology on horizontal well. 水平井鉆井技術(shù)的發(fā)展使油井開(kāi)采技術(shù)有了更大進(jìn)步。
- Rotating Control Head(RCH)is a critical equipment used for underbalanced drilling technology. 現國內各大油田使用的旋轉控制頭均是從國外引進(jìn) ,價(jià)格昂貴。
- Such drilling technology is untested, and digging these wells will require expert guidance. 這種鉆孔技術(shù)還未經(jīng)過(guò)測試,開(kāi)鑿這樣的井也需要專(zhuān)業(yè)指導。
- Drilling technology has improved, allowing tunnels to be dug without breaking the surface. 在鉆孔技術(shù)發(fā)達的今天,打通地下隧道已經(jīng)不會(huì )傷及地表了。
- The MBHW04 is the first well using geometry steerable drilling technology in China. 新疆油田MBHW04水平井是國內第一口使用地質(zhì)導向鉆井技術(shù)的井。
- The LWD's important value is proved by the practice of geosteering drilling technology. 地質(zhì)導向鉆井技術(shù)的應用體現了隨鉆測井資料的重要工程價(jià)值。
- The rapid development of drilling technology requires that a drilling engineer have a comprehensive basic knowledge in the technical field. 鉆井技術(shù)的快速發(fā)展要求鉆井工程師在技術(shù)領(lǐng)域內具布全面的基礎知識。
- In the long term, it is necessary to develop logging equipment and software adapted to the underbalanced drilling technology. 從長(cháng)遠看,發(fā)展適應欠平衡鉆井工藝的錄井設備和軟件體系是非常必要的;
- The new comer applied his mind to the job. 新來(lái)的職員工作專(zhuān)心致志。