- It is entirely possible to achieve the goal of quadrupling the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural production by the end of the century. 在本世紀末實(shí)現工農業(yè)總產(chǎn)值翻兩番的目標是完全可能的。
- Annual value of goods and service in a country includes income from other countries. 一個(gè)國家貨物和服務(wù)的年度價(jià)值,包括來(lái)自國外的收入。
- It is estimated that the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output will be quadrupled. 工農業(yè)總產(chǎn)值預計翻兩番。
- In the six years from 1977 to 1982,the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output in Jiangsu Province doubled. 江蘇從一九七七年到去年六年時(shí)間,工農業(yè)總產(chǎn)值翻了一番。
- China is a major importer of Australian wheat and barley with the annual value of imports likely to reach $ 700 million. 中國是澳大利亞小麥和大麥的主要進(jìn)口國,年進(jìn)口額達7億澳元。
- In the six years from 1977 to 1982, the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output in Jiangsu Province doubled. 江蘇從一九七七年到去年六年時(shí)間,工農業(yè)總產(chǎn)值翻了一番。
- The Mets gave Johan Santana a total package of seven years and $150.75 million. That's an average annual value of $21.5 million. 大都會(huì )給了桑塔那一共7年%24150.;75M的合約,每年的平均薪資為%2421
- That car went out of production five years ago. 那種汽車(chē)已經(jīng)停產(chǎn)五年了。
- The Party's Twelfth National Congress set a goal of quadrupling the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output between 1980 and the year 2000. 黨的十二大提出,到二零零零年,我國的工農業(yè)年總產(chǎn)值,要比一九八零年翻兩番。
- The Tibetan Pharmaceuticals Factory of the Tibet Autonomous Region,one of a dozen similar factories in Tibet,has two production lines,turning out over 110 varieties of products and boasting an annual output value of 46.1 million yuan. 目前,西藏有10多家藏藥制藥廠(chǎng),其中自治區藏藥廠(chǎng)擁有兩條生產(chǎn)線(xiàn),產(chǎn)品共有110多種,年產(chǎn)值4610萬(wàn)元。
- Our effort is gear to a higher level of production. 我們調整力量將生產(chǎn)推向更高的水平。
- The objective for the two decades from 1981 and the end of this century has been set: on the basis of steadily improved economic performance, we shall try to quadruple the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output by the year 2000. 到本世紀末二十年的奮斗目標定了,這就是在不斷提高經(jīng)濟效益的前提下,工農業(yè)年總產(chǎn)值翻兩番。
- The increase of production is evidence of that. 生產(chǎn)的增長(cháng)就是這方面的例證。
- We have to sum up the costs of production. 我們得計算一下生產(chǎn)成本。
- The objective set at the Twelfth National Congress is to quadruple the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output in 20 years, starting from 1981, that is, by the end of the century. 十二大提出的奮斗目標,是二十年翻兩番。二十年是從一九八一年算起,到本世紀末。
- A little crack detracts from the value of the vase. 小小的裂痕減損那個(gè)花瓶的價(jià)值。
- The objective for the two decades from 1981 and the end of this century has been set: on the basis of steadily improved economic performance,we shall try to quadruple the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output by the year 2000. 到本世紀末二十年的奮斗目標定了,這就是在不斷提高經(jīng)濟效益的前提下,工農業(yè)年總產(chǎn)值翻兩番。
- The factory cannot maintain current levels of production. 該工廠(chǎng)不能保持目前的生產(chǎn)水平。
- The objective set at the Twelfth National Congress is to quadruple the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural output in 20 years,starting from 1981,that is,by the end of the century. 十二大提出的奮斗目標,是二十年工農業(yè)產(chǎn)出的年凈價(jià)值翻兩番。二十年是從一九八一年算起,到本世紀末。
- In the process of demonstrating and extension on large area the improved seed illustrated advanced value of production. 在大面積的示范推廣中,充分顯示了這個(gè)科輻早熟沙打旺新品種良好的生產(chǎn)價(jià)值。