- I am studying personnel management. 我正攻讀人事學(xué)。
- Anesthesia was a great innovation in medicine. 麻醉是一項偉大的醫學(xué)創(chuàng )新。
- Personnel, especially enlisted military personnel. 軍隊士兵人員,尤指參加軍事部隊的成員
- She's the head of the firm's personnel department. 她是公司人事部門(mén)的負責人。
- anesthesia personnel 麻醉人員
- A rotation of personnel; crop rotation. 員工的輪流替換; 農作物的輪作
- The doctor thinks local anesthesia will do for the operation. 醫生認為這次手術(shù)用局部麻醉就可以了。
- Every RCS on one AP has a mate RCS on its pair AP. AP 上的每個(gè) RCS 在其配對 AP 上都有一個(gè)配對 RCS。
- The company's main problem is the shortage of skilled personnel. 這家公司的主要問(wèn)題是缺少有技術(shù)的人員。
- She repeated the gist of the AP bulletin. 她把美聯(lián)社電訊的要點(diǎn)又講了一遍。
- An AP is characterized as online or offline. 在線(xiàn)或離線(xiàn)也可以作為刻畫(huà) AP 的特征。
- Please contact the personnel director for benefit information. 有關(guān)福利方面的情況請與人事課長(cháng)聯(lián)系。
- The meters show your HP, MP, and "AP". 在四處奔走的時(shí)候,你將隨機遇敵,進(jìn)行戰斗。
- Technicians and pharmacists are paramedical personnel. 技術(shù)員和藥劑師都是醫事輔助人員。
- Personnel is/are organizing the training of the new members of staff. 人事部門(mén)正在組織新雇員的培訓。
- The AP in the GUI will be a lighter gray. GUI 中的 AP 將會(huì )是淺灰色。
- Anesthesia can be induced by any suitable method. 麻醉可用任何合適的方法誘導。
- Army personnel are often forbidden to fraternize with the civilian population. 軍職人員常被禁止與平民百姓友好往來(lái)。
- Allied MG's AP rounds now lasts30 seconds from20 s. 機槍隊的穿甲彈持續時(shí)間從20秒增加到30秒。
- What type of anesthesia will be used? 將用哪種的麻醉?