- The androgyne is the united male and female principles together. 雌雄同體(陰陽(yáng)人)是男性與女性法則的聯(lián)合。
- It has a strong relation to what is known as the Androgyne. 它與雌雄同體(陰陽(yáng)人)有著(zhù)極大的聯(lián)系。
- But be careful this theme doesn't talk about androgyny. 但是請注意,這個(gè)主旨并不是在討論雌雄同體。
- It is not unlike the idea of androgyny, which is a duality complete. 它與雌雄同體的概念不同,是一個(gè)完全的二元性。
- Therefore, Woolf's feminism of androgyny is a better and profounder quest. 伍爾夫追求兩性二元互補、辨證交融的思想是一種更完善、更有深度的探索。
- Mr.Jackson was just 24 in 1983, and the androgyny was already evident. 杰克遜先生在1983年時(shí)才24歲,雙性的特征已經(jīng)很明顯了。
- The final finding tell us the major sex types of man students are androgyny and masculinity while women students' sex types is mainly femininity. 另外,研究發(fā)現中國大學(xué)生男性的性別類(lèi)型分布主要是男性化和雙性化,而女性的性別類(lèi)型還以女性化為主。
- What Li did possess was attitude, originality and a proud androgyny that defied Chinese norms. 李玉春所擁有的是她的態(tài)度,原本和一種挑戰中國傳統的驕傲的雌雄同體氣質(zhì)。
- Her "attitude, originality and a proud androgyny "are challenging the country's traditional customs. 她的那種獨特的中性態(tài)度,對這個(gè)國家的傳統是一個(gè)挑戰。
- Androgyny isn’t drag: It’s about blurring the lines, about the grey areas in between. 中性并不是毒品:它只是為了消弭性別之間的界限,去抵達平衡兩者的中間地帶?!?/li>
- The image of Lady Macbeth in Shakespeare's tragedies embodies the thought of androgyny. 摘要本文從“雙性同體”的角度對莎士比亞悲劇中麥克白夫人的形象進(jìn)行了簡(jiǎn)要分析。
- Androgyny as a thought which came of matriarchy embodied the primitive people’s native consciousness of equal gender. “雙性同體”這一源于母系社會(huì )時(shí)期的思想,體現了遠古人類(lèi)樸素的性別平等意識。
- Because of the establishment of the patriarchy, androgyny gradually retreated from the mainstream society. 但由于父權制度的確立,“雙性同體”思想逐漸從主流文化中隱退。
- What Li did possess was pattitude, originality and uproud androgyny thataefied Chinese norms. 實(shí)際上,李宇春現象早已超越了她的歌聲。
- What Li did possess was attitude, originality and a proud androgyny that defied Chinese norms. 實(shí)際上,李宇春現象早已超越了她的歌聲。
- "Androgyny" is by no means synonymous with "neither male nor female or transexual person". 麥克白夫人既有女性本身的細膩及軟弱,又顯現出勇敢無(wú)畏、堅強冷靜的男性特征。
- What Li did po e was attitude, originality and a proud androgyny that defied Chinese norms. 實(shí)際上,李宇春現象早已超越了她的歌聲。
- There are both social potency and interpersonal relatedness in the characteristics of Chinese college students' androgyny personality. 結論:中國雙性化大學(xué)生具有“領(lǐng)導性”和“人際取向”的人格特征。
- "Androgyny" or "Harmony between Male and Female" is a topic of current literary creation and studies, and it strongly reveals the ideal of modern gender culture. 摘要“雙性同體”、“雙性和諧”是如今文學(xué)創(chuàng )作與研究中探討主題之一,且彰顯了現代性別文化理想。
- Studies show that college students with androgyny have more attractions, motivations and abilities when they communicate with others, so they have more harmonious relationships. 擁有雙性化人格者對他人有較強的吸引力,有充分的理由發(fā)動(dòng)和維持人際交往,并且有較強的能力保障人際交往的順利進(jìn)行。