- Asia-Europe cooperation is by no means an expedient measure. 亞歐合作全然不是一種權宜之計。
- China news agency, Beijing, November 1-Ministry today issued a notification that the strictest land management system is not an expedient measure. 中新社北京十一月一日電國土資源部今天發(fā)出通知稱(chēng),實(shí)行最嚴格的土地管理制度決不是權宜之計。
- According to Deng, the "one country two system" has been adopted to suit China's position and is not an expedient measure. 據鄧所說(shuō),采取“一國兩制”適合中國國情,并非權宜之計。
- China news agency, Beijing, November 1 (Reporter Zhao Shengyu) - Ministry today issued a notification that the strictest land management system is not an expedient measure. 中新社北京十一月一日電(記者趙勝玉)國土資源部今天發(fā)出通知稱(chēng),實(shí)行最嚴格的土地管理制度決不是權宜之計。
- Therefore, the economic application of the housing policy is not an expedient measure but a longer period will exist and play an important role in policy. 因此,經(jīng)濟適用住房政策不是一個(gè)權宜之計,而是一個(gè)較長(cháng)時(shí)期都將存在并發(fā)揮重要作用的政策。
- an expedient measure to meet an emergency 應急的權宜措施
- Step scanning is an expedient technique. 分段移位測量是一個(gè)實(shí)用的方法。
- New Reforms on China's Export Tax Rebate System: Not an Expedient Measure 談當前中國出口退稅機制改革
- Since then, it has become an expedient but far from indispensable tactic. 不過(guò)開(kāi)始之后,非暴力不再是必要策略,而是變成了權宜之計。
- Being just an expedient to facilitate Chinese-English translation, the principle is not supposed to contradict the present Chinese studies. 作為只是利于漢英翻譯轉換的權宜之計,該原則并不與現行漢語(yǔ)語(yǔ)言研究的本體范疇相抵觸。
- You ll also see why XML is not always the way to go: transferring plain text can be an expedient choice for simple Ajax requests. 您將看到為什么XML并不總是最好的途徑:對于簡(jiǎn)單的Ajax請求來(lái)說(shuō),傳輸純文本更好。
- Government is at best but an expedient;but most governments are usually, and all governments are sometimes, inexpedient. 政府頂好也只是方便之計,而大多數政府并不方便,所有的政府在某些時(shí)候都不方便。
- Sceptics never believed that the alliance between the two mainstream parties that toppled Pervez Musharraf from the presidency last year was more than an expedient truce. 對于許多有心人來(lái)說(shuō),去年兩大黨之間的聯(lián)盟,只是貪圖一時(shí)的方便,目的是為了推翻前總統穆沙拉夫。
- State life-support for moribund dinosaur banks is an expedient designed to avert the disaster of a generalised banking extinction not a belated victory for socialism. 政府對瀕臨倒閉的大型銀行施以援手,是旨在避免銀行業(yè)全面崩潰災難的權宜之計,并非社會(huì )主義取得了遲到的勝利。
- In the author’s opinion, it is only an expedient to refer university as “the organization authorized by law”, which has contradictories in theory and practice. 本文認為,一些法院將高校視為“法律、法規授權的組織”這類(lèi)行政被告的現行做法,面臨著(zhù)不少理論障礙和現實(shí)困境,其只是一種用政治上的正當性代替法律上的合法性的權宜之計。
- Establishing CAFTA is not a transient political game or an expedient plan, but a wise act under profound background and foundation of geographical relations. 中國與東盟建立自由貿易區有其深刻的時(shí)代背景和地緣關(guān)系基礎,并不是短暫的政治博弈與權宜之策。
- We damn it, and then we punish it by enacting loopy, politically expedient measures such as caps on Wall Street trading and principal investments. 我們先是開(kāi)口譴責,然后再通過(guò)一些莫名其妙、政治投機的法案來(lái)對之加以懲罰,比如限制華爾街的自營(yíng)交易。
- We suggest that bed-side ultrasonography and needle paracentesis be considered as an expedient alternative for decompression of intra-abdominal hypertension in patients with blunt solid visceral organ injury with massive hemoperitoneum and ACS. 我們認為當病患有腹部實(shí)體器官挫傷合并有大量腹膜腔出血及腹部腔室癥候群,可考慮使用床邊的腹部超音波檢查及腔液穿放術(shù)來(lái)減壓,以改善病患臨床癥狀。
- I gave him money as an inducement to leave. 我給他錢(qián),誘使他離去。
- That's rather an effective use of color. 這種使用顏色的手法效果相當好。