- Humidity means the amount of moisture in the air. 濕度指空氣中水汽的含量。
- Amounts of moisture in soil vary greatly. 土壤中濕度變化很大。
- A land plant that grows in an environment having a moderate amount of moisture. 中生植物指在中等濕度環(huán)境中生長(cháng)的陸地植物
- The kindling temperature of a substance may vary with the amount of moisture in the air. 一種物質(zhì)的燃燒點(diǎn)常因空氣中濕氣的含量多寡而變化。
- The kindlingtemperature of a substance may vary with the amount of moisture in the air. 一種狀之的燃燒點(diǎn)常因空氣中濕氣的含量多寡而變化。
- Relative humidity is the amount of moisture in the air at a specific temperature compared with the amount it could hold at that temperature. 相對濕度就是在一定的溫度下,空氣中水汽的實(shí)際量和空氣可以承載的最大水汽量的比例。
- The amount of moisture plants are emitting during photosynthesis may be considered the local trigger that trips fronts into violent weather. 植物在光合作用時(shí)釋放出的潮濕水汽的總量可以考慮為觸發(fā)當地強烈氣候變化的因素。
- This machine can mix coagula of relatively fine, powder consist-ing of two kinds of materials or material with certain amount of moisture content. 該機對較細的粉粒、凝塊后或二種以上的粉狀體,含有一定水份的物料均能混合。如對微量物相和的添加物也可達到混和效果(指添加量很少的配料混和)。
- Popcorn kernels with the right amount of moisture and unblemished hulls pop into the snack that just about everyone enjoys. 爆米花玉米粒在合適的濕度及無(wú)疵的果殼情況下才能爆炸成我們所喜愛(ài)的小吃。
- The use of bag filter to deal with large amount of moisture or more viscous gas dust, the dust has been easy to adhesion Budai is a headache dust-border problems. 利用袋式除塵器處理含濕量大或粘性較大的含塵氣體,粉塵易粘附布袋一直是令除塵界頭痛的難題。
- The major factors that influence the onset process over the northern and the southern SCS seem to be the amount of moisture and the time of arrival of moisture. 顯示南海南北部在肇始期間最主要的差異即在于水氣的多寡與到達的時(shí)間。
- He has a large amount of mail to answer every day. 他每天有大量的信件要回復。
- Humidity is a measure of moisture in the atmosphere. 濕度是空氣內含水分多少的量度。
- The carpet will stand any amount of wear. 這地毯極其耐用。
- The amount of a claim on an insurer by an insured. 險損賠償額保險人從承保人獲得的賠償數量
- This mixture with varying amounts of moisture and particulate matter,enveloping Earth; the atmosphere. 大氣覆蓋地球的不同量的濕氣和特殊物質(zhì)的混合物;大氣
- Just think of the amount of time wasted. 想一想多少時(shí)間被浪費了。
- This mixture with varying amounts of moisture and particulate matter, enveloping Earth; the atmosphere. 大氣覆蓋地球的不同量的濕氣和特殊物質(zhì)的混合物;大氣
- The amount of unemployed capital is very large. 未被利用的資金數量很大。
- The drying figs sweat tiny drops of moisture. 干無(wú)花果上滲出許多小水珠。