- An "aval" is given either on the cheque itself or on an "allonge". 保證應在支票或其粘單上為之。
- The first entry maker of the allonge shall sign on the abutting edge. 粘單上的第一記載人,應當在匯票和粘單的粘接處簽章。
- The first person to write on the allonge shall endorse the conjuncture of the bill and the allonge. 粘單上的第一記載人,應當在匯票和粘單的粘接處簽章。
- Endorsement refers to the act of putting relevant items in writing and endorsing the back of the bill or an allonge. 背書(shū)是指在票據背面或者粘單上記載有關(guān)事項并簽章的票據行為。
- The first person who writes on the allonge shall put his/her signature or seal to the sticking line of the allonge. 粘單上的第一記載人,應當在匯票和粘單的粘接處簽章。
- Where the guarantor fails to specify Item (4) of the preceding Article on the bill of exchange or on the allonge, the date of issue is the date of guaranty. 保證人在匯票或者粘單上未記載前條第(四)項的,出票日期為保證日期。
- Endorsement" means the writing down of relevant particulars and signing on the back of a negotiable instrument or on an allonge. 背書(shū)是指在票據背面或者粘單上記載有關(guān)事項并簽章的票據行為。
- Aguarantor must specify the following particulars on the bill of exchange or on an allonge 第四十六條保證人必須在匯票或者粘單上記載下列事項
- 1.The first person to write on the allonge shall endorse the conjuncture of the bill and the allonge. 粘單上的第一記載人,應當在匯票和粘單的粘接處簽章。
- allonge 附箋,補箋,票據的粘度,背書(shū)貼單,票據背書(shū)附條