- A unit of currency in Chile, Panama, and Uruguay. 分智利、巴拿馬和烏拉圭的貨幣單位
- A unit of currency in North Korea and South Korea. 朝鮮和韓國的一種貨幣單位
- Gradually, this kind of currency fell into disuse. 漸漸地,這種貨幣不再通用。
- A unit of currency in Czechoslovakia. 赫勒捷克斯洛伐克貨幣單位
- A unit of currency in Yugoslavia. 帕拉南斯拉夫的一種貨幣單位
- A unit of currency in Mauritania. 庫姆斯毛里塔尼亞錢(qián)幣單位
- A unit of currency in Saudi Arabia. 庫什沙特阿拉伯的一種貨幣單位
- Britain changed to a metric system of currency in 1970. 1970年,英國已改用公制貨幣。
- They said the allocation of seats was unfair. 他們說(shuō)席位的分配不公平。
- Stable allocation of bargaining power. 談判力的穩定分配。
- A unit of currency in Egypt, Lebanon, Sudan, and Syria. 皮阿斯特埃及、黎巴嫩、蘇丹和敘利亞的一種貨幣單位
- Allocation of resources between policy area groups. 各政策組別之間的資源分配情況。
- A unit of currency in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan. 派沙在不丹、印度、尼泊爾和巴基斯坦所用的一種貨幣單位
- The allocation of the hierarchy table failed. 等級表的分配失敗。
- A flood of currency issued last year. 去年發(fā)行了大量貨幣。
- Metallic, as opposed to paper. Used of currency. 金屬的而非紙的。用于貨幣流通
- Backed by bullion rather than by credit. Used of currency. 以金銀為憑的以金銀儲備而不是銀行存款為憑證的。用于貨幣流通
- Legal analysis of the allocation of resources in market II. 資源市場(chǎng)化配置的法學(xué)分析2。
- A basic unit of currency in Malawi and Zambia. 克瓦查馬拉維和贊比亞的基本貨幣單位
- The allocation of the overheads raises some tricky questions. 經(jīng)費的分配出現一些棘手的問(wèn)題。