- A fix price contract with escalation. 標價(jià)伸縮合同。
- It is an illegal secret agreement concluded between competitors to fix prices, restrict supply and/or divide up markets. 在競爭者之間達成的秘密非法協(xié)議,用以固定價(jià)格、限制供應量和/或分割市場(chǎng)。
- In certain industries, companies may actively collude to fix prices. 在某些產(chǎn)業(yè),這樣的公司可能主動(dòng)共謀統一訂價(jià)。
- For your assistance in fixing price, we enclose a specification, give full details and list price of the textile. 為幫助貴方定價(jià),特附一張規格表,對紡織品的細目要求作了詳盡說(shuō)明并列出紡織品的各項價(jià)格。
- I'm sorry we only sell at fixed prices. 很抱歉,我們店不還價(jià)。
- We sell the goods on fixed price. 我們在固定的價(jià)格上出售商品。
- For your assistance in fixing price,we enclose a specification,give full details and list price of the textile. 為幫助貴方定價(jià),特附一張規格表,對紡織品的細目要求作了詳盡說(shuō)明并列出紡織品的各項價(jià)格。
- I am sorry we only sell at fixed price. 對不起,我們不還價(jià)。
- What is the duration of the fixed price? 定價(jià)的期限是什么時(shí)候?
- A complete meal provided at a fixed price. 套飯:以固定的價(jià)格提供的全套膳食。
- We agree a fixed price with the organizer. 我們跟主辦者議定一個(gè)價(jià)錢(qián)。
- The United States Grain Corporation, organized under the laws of Delaware, bought food and other commodities to fix prices and store surpluses. 根據特拉華州法律成立的美國糧食供應公司負責糧食和其他商品的采購以穩定價(jià)格和余糧儲備。
- The whole discussion boiled down to the question of whether the government should fix prices. 整個(gè)討論歸結起來(lái)無(wú)非是政府是否應該定價(jià)。
- The architect contracted to build the houses at a fixed price. 該建筑師訂約以一定的造價(jià)承造那些房子。
- Article 7 In fixing prices, business operators should follow the principle of fairness, lawfulness, honesty and trustworthiness. 第七條經(jīng)營(yíng)者定價(jià),應當遵循公平、合法和誠實(shí)信用的原則。
- I am a hundred percent in agreement with you. 我百分之百同意你的看法。
- Here is a restaurant where you pay fixed price and eat adlib. 這里有一家餐館,你付一定的錢(qián)隨便吃。
- Supreme Court -- Only "unreasonable" agreements are forbidden but some actions, such as fixing prices, are so clearly anti-competitive that they are unreasonable per se. 最高法院-僅禁止“不合理的”協(xié)議,但是有些行為,例如固定價(jià)格,很顯然是反競爭的,本質(zhì)上說(shuō),它們是不合理的。
- I'm sorry we don't. This is a franchised store with fixed prices. 麗貝卡:不好意思,我們是專(zhuān)賣(mài)店,統一價(jià),不打折。
- The lowest fixed price, or arbitrary or fictive prices. (六)最低限價(jià)或武斷、虛構的價(jià)格。