- He agreed that he was wrong with a good grace. 他很大方地承認自己錯了。
- The tax inspector agreed the figures. 稅務(wù)稽查員核準了這些數字。
- On reflection, he agreed to the plan. 經(jīng)考慮后,他同意了這項計劃。
- The boss agreed to meet the strikers half way. 老板同意向罷工者做出讓步。
- I found no evidence to back your interpretation. 我找不到證據來(lái)支持你的解釋。
- He agreed to testify on behalf of the accused man. 他同意為被告作證。
- She interpret his silence as arrogance. 她把他的沉默解釋為傲慢。
- We've agreed on Spain for our holiday next year. 我們一致同意明年去西班牙度假。
- I didn't presume to interpret it. 我不敢對這一點(diǎn)妄加解釋。
- In a weak moment, I agreed to pay for her holiday. 我一時(shí)心軟同意了支付她度假的費用。
- Will you please interpret for me? 請你為我翻譯一下好嗎?
- It was agreed that another meeting was necessary. 大家一致認為有必要再開(kāi)一次會(huì )。
- She reluctantly agreed to let the matter drop. 她勉強同意這事到此為止。
- The terms have now been agreed to. 這些條件現在得到了同意。
- Open to more than one interpretation. 多種含義的可有多于一種解釋的
- We interpret a frown as a sign of disapproval. 我們把皺眉當作不贊成的表示。
- They finally consented (ie agreed) to go with us. 他們終於同意了和我們一塊走。
- Would you please interpret for me? 請你為我翻譯一下好嗎?
- He agreed to let me go home early. 他同意讓我早些回家。
- The editor agreed to reprint your article in the next issue. 編輯同意將你的文章重刊在下一期上。