- Cars and buses were set ablaze during the riot. 暴亂中許多轎車(chē)和公共汽車(chē)被縱火焚燒。
- Forests are sometimes set ablaze by lightning. 森林有時(shí)因雷擊而起火。
- The Norwegian Embassy in Damascus was set ablaze Saturday. 挪威駐大馬士革大使館星期六被點(diǎn)燃。
- Incendite tenebras mundi to set ablaze the darkness of the world! 去照亮全世界的黑暗吧!
- Truck after truck was set ablaze as the fire spread. 火勢蔓延,卡車(chē)一輛接一輛地起火了。
- During the riot, many cars and buses were set ablaze. 暴亂中許多轎車(chē)和公共汽車(chē)被縱火焚燒。
- A match is sufficient to set ablaze the lumber yard or the oil depot. 要使木材堆放處或石油儲存庫燃燒,一根火柴就夠了。
- A match is sufficient to set ablaze the lumberyard or the oil depot. 要使木材堆放處或石油儲存庫燃燒,一根火柴就夠了。
- During the Kristallnacht pogrom of 1938, the Synagogue was set ablaze. 在1938年的納粹屠殺中,該猶太教堂被付之一炬。
- A match is sufficient to set ablaze the lumber yard or the oil depot . 要使木材堆放處或石油儲存庫燃燒,一根火柴就夠了。
- Along Shahrah-e-Faisal, the main thoroughfare, shop-fronts were smashed and set ablaze. 在市區主街道撒哈拉-法賽,沿途盡是路邊商店遭劫后被人縱火焚燒的場(chǎng)景。
- RSV: So the tongue is a little member and boasts of great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by a 56all fire! 思高譯本:同樣,舌頭雖然是一個(gè)小小的肢體,卻能夸大???,小小的火,能燃著(zhù)廣大的樹(shù)林!
- Nearby buildings were badly damaged and set ablaze, while others were reduced to rubble. 附近的建筑嚴重受損并發(fā)生火災,部分建筑變成了廢墟。
- The peoples will be burned as if to lime; like cut thornbushes they will be set ablaze. 列邦必象已燒的石灰,象已割的荊棘在火中焚燒。
- The three ships formed up, moved in close to shore, and set ablaze most of the island's rickety buildings. 三艘軍艦編成隊,向海岸緊逼,把島上大部分東倒西歪的房子轟得烈火沖天。
- Denmark has urged its nationals to avoid Muslim countries after Danish diplomatic office buildings were set ablaze in Lebanon and Syria. 星期天丹麥駐黎巴嫩和敘利亞的外交使團建筑被縱火后,丹麥敦促?lài)癫灰ツ滤沽謬摇?/li>
- Initial investigations did not rule out the possibility that the premises were set ablaze. 初步調查不排除有人在單位縱火。
- Lorries on the Pan-American highway have been set ablaze and cars and a coach attacked. 他們在泛美高速公路上放火燒毀過(guò)往的貨車(chē)和小汽車(chē),并襲擊了一輛大客車(chē)。
- Now the fire is set ablaze, and more than go per cent of the people hope that our comrades will be tempered in the fire. 現在把火放起來(lái)燒,百分之九十以上的人,是希望把我們的同志燒好。
- In 1814, during the War of 1812, the mansion was set ablaze by British troops, destroying the interior and charring much of the exterior walls. 1814年,戰爭期間的1812 ,該大廈內,再點(diǎn)火焚燒,由英國軍隊,摧毀了內政部和炭化大部分的外墻。