- Advanced Point Defense Missile System 高級點(diǎn)防御導彈系統
- Advanced Point Defense Surface Missile System 高級點(diǎn)防御面導彈系統
- A leaky roof; a leaky defense system. 有漏縫的屋頂; 被泄密的防御體系
- Point Defense System 點(diǎn)防御系統
- To or at the most advanced point or stage. 到或在最高點(diǎn)或階段地
- hard point defense system 硬點(diǎn)防御系統
- Sea-based Midcourse Defense System in U.S.A. 美國?;卸畏烙到y。
- This plane is protected by an ECM defense system. 這架飛機被ECM防御系統保護著(zhù)。
- Japan is installing its first advanced Patriot missile defense system at a military base near Tokyo. 日本在東京附近一個(gè)軍事基地安裝第一個(gè)先進(jìn)的愛(ài)國者導彈防御系統。
- small ship point defense system 小型艦點(diǎn)防御系統
- I couldn't start at such an advanced point of my thought with the woman of Bittahness. 我不能一開(kāi)始就對這位比塔式的女人談起我的思想中最困惑的問(wèn)題。
- The advanced point estimate method is presented to evaluate the random properties of the torsion of thin-walled beam. 提出了改進(jìn)點(diǎn)估計法來(lái)計算薄壁梁結構扭轉的概率特性。
- The Aegis combat system is one of the most advanced and most capable defense systems currently in use. 目前使用的宙斯盾作戰系統是最先進(jìn),最有能力的防御體系。
- The standard point defense of most colonies and installations, the DM-1 offers good damage for the construction and operating costs incurred. 大部分殖民地和機構所使用的標準頂點(diǎn)防御武器,就建造和運行耗費而言,DM-1提供了很不錯的火力。
- This causes the human disease " defense system" to be incapable of defending itself from new and potent viruses. 這使得人類(lèi)疾病的"防御體?quot;無(wú)法保衛自己免遭新的、強大的病毒侵襲。
- Her defense system in the Central Pacific had been breached at many points and was ripe for disruption. 她在中太平洋的防御體系已被打開(kāi)許多缺口,瓦解它的形勢已經(jīng)成熟了。
- Improved Bask Point Defense Surface Missile System 改進(jìn)的基本點(diǎn)防御地面發(fā)射導彈系統
- While the new defense system is being developed, the United States agreed to station Patriot interceptor missiles in Japan. 在新型防御系統研制期間,美國同意先在日本部署愛(ài)國者攔截導彈。
- Improved Point Defense Missile System 改進(jìn)的點(diǎn)防御導彈系統
- The Air Force and Navy planes took off to neutralize the Iraqi air defense system. 空軍、海軍的飛機起飛壓制伊軍防空系統。