- Stems long hirsute with appressed, deflexed hairs. 莖具長(cháng)硬毛具貼伏,外折的毛。
- Basal sheaths appressed pilose with white hairs. 基部的鞘貼伏的具柔毛的具白色的毛。
- Calyx tube exterior sparsely appressed pubescent. 萼筒外表疏生貼伏短柔毛。
- Stems very slender, glabrate or appressed strigose. 莖非常纖細,脫毛的或貼伏糙伏毛。
- A piezoelectric element is appressed with the impacting object. 一個(gè)壓電元素是緊貼與沖擊的對象。
- Stems obtusely 4-sided, appressed densely setose, glabrescent. 莖鈍的4棱,貼伏的密被剛毛,后脫落。
- Inflorescence finely appressed pilose, not glandular hairy. 好貼伏具柔毛的花序,并非腺毛。
- Stems erect, slender, with white appressed hairs, apically branched. 莖直立,纖細,具白色的貼伏毛,頂部分枝。
- Pedicel densely pubescent. Sepals abaxially appressed brownish pubescent. 花梗密被短柔毛;萼片背面的貼伏的帶褐色短柔毛。
- Stems several, cespitose, often branched from base, short appressed pubescent. 莖數個(gè),叢生,通常分枝自基部,短貼伏短柔毛。
- Stems erect, 50-80 cm tall, striate, appressed hispid, swollen at nodes. 莖直立,50-80厘米高,具條紋,貼伏的具糙硬毛,膨脹的在節上。
- Leaf blade adaxially glabrous, veins sparsely appressed pilose abaxially. 無(wú)毛的葉片正面,具柔毛背面的脈疏生貼伏。
- Inflorescence rachis and pedicels densely curved and appressed pubescent. 花序軸和花梗密被彎曲和貼伏短柔毛。
- The test taxon is the Thul, who are the big bruisers of the occupation and are mortal at adpressed compass battle and wakeless harm handling. 最令考古人員吃驚的是,他們在遺址發(fā)現了許多云母,云母的產(chǎn)地是巴西,這更增添了神秘色彩。
- Leaflet blades on both surfaces subglabrous or sparsely appressed puberulous. 小葉葉片在兩面近無(wú)毛或疏生貼伏被微柔毛。
- Herbs annual, ephemeral, appressed sericeous-villous, rarely glabrous. 一年生草本,短暫,貼伏被絹毛的具長(cháng)柔毛,很少無(wú)毛。
- Corolla red, slightly curved, pubescent with adpressed stellate hairs, basal part inflated, lobes lanceolate, 6-9 mm, reflexed. 花冠紅色,稍彎曲,短柔毛具星狀毛,基部深裂膨大,裂片披針形,毫米,反折。
- Rachis and pedicels appressed pubescent. Petals and ovary pubescent. 軸和花梗貼伏短柔毛?;ò旰妥臃烤叨倘崦?。
- Corolla hairy, hairs sometimes closely adpressed to surface; leaves opposite or subopposite, rarely alternate, not fascicled. 有毛的花冠,在表面有時(shí)接近緊貼的毛;葉對生或近對生,很少互生,并非簇生。(5
- Leaves decussate, sessile, appressed and crowded, imbricate, usually 4-ranked. 交互對生的葉,無(wú)梗,和密集,覆瓦狀,通常成列的4。