- Acupressure therapy is effective for many types of illnesses. 按摩治療對許多病癥都有效。
- It is better to treat your condition with acupressure therapy. 用按摩療法治您的病效果較好。
- In addition, some insurance companies begin to accept acupressure. 另外,部分保險公司也逐漸接受穴位按壓。
- Many combine Therapeutic Touch with similar therapies such as hypnosis, massage, or acupressure. 多數人用類(lèi)似治療例如催眠、摩或針壓法結合治療觸摸。
- According to many research reports, acupressure may be regarded as a viable nursing intervention. 許多研究結果顯示穴位按壓法可能是切實(shí)可行的護理措施。
- You can reduce weight at the same time, because there are many acupressure points (Tsubo) for slimming in toes. 2、使用中如有淤血,疼痛或騷癢等異樣感覺(jué),請停止使用;
- Besides, acupressure treatments aid the burning of fats which will give you a slim and toned figure. 其次,推拿也可以幫助燃燒脂肪,從而達到消除贅肉保持苗條的目的。
- Our study, aiming to investigate efficacy of acupressure in pain syndromes, includes three parts. 特以實(shí)證醫學(xué)研究方法評估氣功穴道治療法在解除疼痛癥候群上的療效。
- The experimental group received three acupressure treatments before CS and within the first 24 hours after CS. 控制組給予平敘的手術(shù)之護理指導20分鐘,沒(méi)有穴位指壓的介入。
- Results show that acupressure is of lower costs and with cost effective and beneficial in pain syndromes. 經(jīng)濟評估結果顯示氣功穴道治療法,具較為有利的成本效率比和成本利益比。
- Conclusion Acupressure is a effective method to relief the uroschesis after operation for anorectal diseases. 結論穴位按壓是解除肛腸病患者術(shù)后尿潴留的有效療法。
- Acupressure and acupuncture both are based on the theory of lines of energy running through the body. 指壓按摩以及針灸都是,基于體內能量以一定路線(xiàn)運行的理論而產(chǎn)生的治療方式。
- The RELIEF Programme targets the Ti Yng acupressure point to help relieve headaches caused by tension and stress. 舒解疲憊模式針對太陽(yáng)穴按摩,可舒解緊繃與壓力造成的頭痛。
- This massage therapy is closely related to Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture and Acupressure. 擠出生產(chǎn)線(xiàn)相對集中在東部的山東、上海,中部的武漢及豫南,北部的北京、大連等城市;
- Objective To examine the pain-relieving effect of acupressure on aeroperitoneum-related pain not related to incision after gynecological laparoscopy. 目的探討穴位按摩解除婦科腹腔鏡術(shù)后患者與氣腹相關(guān)的非切口疼痛的效果。
- It is indeed correct since the nerves connected to these organs terminate here. This is covered in great details in Acupressure studies or textbooks. 當神經(jīng)連接這些終止在此的器官時(shí),這確實(shí)是正確的(指壓按摩法)。這包含了研究指壓按摩或者書(shū)中有關(guān)這方面的詳細解說(shuō)。
- In conclusion, the utilization of acupressure treatment to promote the comfort of women during cesarean delivery is strongly recommended. 建議臨床護理推廣穴位指壓,促進(jìn)婦女在剖腹生產(chǎn)過(guò)程的身心舒適。
- This paper provides a brief introduction to acupressure, and its aims and explains how it may be applied in nursing practice. 本文介紹穴位按壓法、穴位按壓法于護理實(shí)務(wù)中應用的目標、和如何落實(shí)穴位按壓法于護理實(shí)務(wù)中的應用。
- For the back, rollers stimulate the expert hands of a skilled masseuse in a variety of techniques - from strong kneading to acupressure massage. 按摩滾輪模擬按摩師專(zhuān)業(yè)手法,以涵蓋強勁揉捏及指壓穴位按摩等不同的技法進(jìn)行背部按摩。
- From a practical perspective, acupressure has several distinct advantages;it is non-invasive, free, and relatively easy to learn. 從臨床的觀(guān)點(diǎn)來(lái)看,穴位按壓法有許多好處,它是非侵入性的,免費、容易學(xué)會(huì )。