- The paste can also be left on overnight for spot treatment of blemishes. 此糊狀物也可以隔夜放置,用于處理瑕斑。
- Some medicated spot treatments contain high doses of Benzoyl Peroxide that can irritate skin, causing redness and dryness that can make acne worse. 有些局部藥用的抗痘產(chǎn)品含有高濃度的過(guò)氧化苯,會(huì )刺激皮膚造成紅腫干燥,加重痘痘惡化。
- The rapid diagnosis and immediate on-the - spot treatment of an accident while awaiting the arrival of doctors, are called first aid. 等待醫生到來(lái)的同時(shí),快速診斷以及在事故現場(chǎng)的立即處理被稱(chēng)為急救。
- L.O.C. Towelettes now contain 40% more of the trusted L.O.C. Multi-Purpose Cleaner Concentrate, enabling better spot treatment. 靈驗多種用途濃縮潔劑含量增加40%25,去污力更強,能即時(shí)有效處理污漬,非一般濕紙巾可比。
- Lily has tried many spot treatments but none of them worked. 莉莉試了很多治青春痘的辦法,但都沒(méi)效果。
- Diorsnow Sublissime, Dior whitening skincare range, redefines Whitening: this new generation of skin-brightening prevents spot formation and repairs melanin cells, for an in-depth spot treatment. 迪奧雪晶靈煥白亮采系列-將美白重新定位:新一代的肌膚美白成份預防斑點(diǎn)形成及修復黑色素細胞,提供深層的淡斑護理。
- The weeds that plague you may be manageable by spot treatments or simple pulling, particularly if they are annuals. 那些困擾你的雜草可以通過(guò)噴灑藥物或者通過(guò)簡(jiǎn)單的拔除消減,拔除的方法對一年生雜草格外有效。
- ItNatural Tea Tree Spot Treatment Stick 局部治療棒
- Many adolescents suffer from/have acne. 很多青少年患有痤瘡[長(cháng)粉刺]。
- Suitable for large pores,acne and spot on the back. 特別適合背部毛孔粗大,有粉刺、暗瘡人士。
- When it comes to acne treatment you should cast a. 當談到治療痤瘡,你應該投甲。
- The treatment cured the boy's acne. 男孩的粉刺治好了。
- I'm afraid we are in for a spot of trouble. 恐怕我們是一定要遇到麻煩了。
- He is hit by a falling tree and killed on the spot. 一棵樹(shù)倒下來(lái),把他當場(chǎng)砸死了。
- I've always had a real soft spot for him. 我一向對他挺有好感。
- He will not sit down under such treatment. 我不應再忍受好如此的禮遇。
- The second part is the high spot of this book. 第二部分是這本書(shū)的最精彩部分。
- His activities in London center around this spot. 他在倫敦的活動(dòng)以這個(gè)地點(diǎn)為中心。
- Luckily there was a doctor on the spot. 幸運的是現場(chǎng)有一位醫生。
- Their treatment of women is unspeakable. 他們對待婦女的方式惡劣得難以言表。