- There is a time difference between two cities. 兩個(gè)城市之間有時(shí)差。
- Are you adjusted to the time difference? 您的時(shí)差調整過(guò)來(lái)了嗎?
- The time difference between los angel and beijing be 16 hours. 洛杉磯和北京的時(shí)差是16小時(shí)。
- What's the time difference between the two places,miss? 小姐,這兩個(gè)地方的時(shí)差是多少?
- What's the time difference between Beijing and Los Angel? 北京和洛杉磯的時(shí)差是多少?
- What's the time difference between Beijing and Los Angeles ? 北京和洛杉磯的時(shí)差是多少?
- The amount of accumulated time the learner is allowed to use a SCO in the learner attempt. 期間允許學(xué)習者學(xué)習。
- The time difference between los angel and beijing be16hours. 洛杉磯和北京的時(shí)差是16小時(shí)。
- What 's the time difference between Beijing and Los Angeles ? 北京和洛杉磯的時(shí)差是多少?
- To ensure accuracy, the timer should check the system clock as needed, rather than try to keep track of accumulated time internally. 若要確保精確,計時(shí)器應根據需要檢查系統時(shí)鐘,而不是嘗試在內部跟蹤所積累的時(shí)間。
- What is the time difference between Beijing and Vancouver? 北京和溫哥華的時(shí)差是多少?
- What is the time difference between San Francisco and Shanghai? 舊金山跟上海的時(shí)差是多少?
- There is a time difference between the client and server. 在客戶(hù)端和服務(wù)器之間有一個(gè)時(shí)間差。
- Altering the RTC timebase during SYSTEM operation (by reconfiguring the PLL, the VPB timer, or the RTC prescaler) will result in some form of accumulated time error. 在系統操作過(guò)程中(重新配置PLL、VPB定時(shí)器或RTC預分頻器)改變RTC的時(shí)間基準會(huì )使累加時(shí)間出現錯誤。
- There is two hours' time difference between Moscow and London. 莫斯科與倫敦之間的時(shí)差為2個(gè)小時(shí)。
- Mark:15 hours time difference,how do these athletes deal with that? 馬克:15個(gè)小時(shí)的時(shí)差,不知道那些運動(dòng)員們怎樣應付過(guò)來(lái)的?
- Chelsted: My goodness! I forgot the time difference. 切爾斯特德:天呀,對不起,我忘記時(shí)差了。
- What is the time difference between Bangkok and Singapore? 曼谷跟新加坡的時(shí)差是多少呢?
- It's designed to correctly handle accumulated times such as might be summed for a weekly timesheet report. 它用來(lái)正確處理計算的時(shí)間結果,例如每周時(shí)間表報告可能用到的時(shí)間總和。
- Please keep in mind,however,the time difference between the two capitals. 但是請記住兩國首都之間的時(shí)差問(wèn)題。