- Students must have access to a good library. 學(xué)生要有使用好圖書(shū)館的便利條件。
- Privacy alerts that let you know when you try to gain access to a site that doesn't meet the criteria in your privacy settings. 試圖訪(fǎng)問(wèn)不符合隱私設置條件的站點(diǎn)時(shí)會(huì )發(fā)出隱私警報。
- The theme or borders applied to a site. 網(wǎng)站應用的主題或邊框。
- You have not yet been assigned to a site? 意思是你還沒(méi)有被分配考點(diǎn)。
- I demanded access to a telephone. 我要求有權使用電話(huà)。
- The door gives access to a living room. 從這個(gè)門(mén)可以進(jìn)入起居室。
- Object is used to allow access to a secured object. 對象來(lái)允許訪(fǎng)問(wèn)受保護對象。
- Do the students have access to a good library? 學(xué)生有機會(huì )用好圖書(shū)館嗎?
- Grants a proxy access to a subsystem. 授權代理訪(fǎng)問(wèn)子系統。
- Access to a network computer for deployment. 對用于部署的網(wǎng)絡(luò )計算機的訪(fǎng)問(wèn)權。
- Access to append material to a file or directory. 向文件或目錄追加內容的訪(fǎng)問(wèn)權限。
- For access to write to a file or directory. 用于對文件或目錄進(jìn)行寫(xiě)訪(fǎng)問(wèn)。
- Class lets you specify access to a member. 類(lèi)可以指定對成員的訪(fǎng)問(wèn)。
- You have access to a document management server. 您有權訪(fǎng)問(wèn)文檔管理服務(wù)器。
- They don't have access to a convertible currency. 他們無(wú)法得到可兌換貨幣。
- A character string that enables a user to have full or limited access to a system or to a set of data. 準許一個(gè)用戶(hù)完全地或有限制地訪(fǎng)問(wèn)某一系統或存取某一數據集的一種字符串。
- In computer security, an attempt to gain access to a system by posing as an authorized user. 在計算機安全學(xué)中,試圖以裝成一個(gè)合法用戶(hù)來(lái)獲取對某系統的訪(fǎng)問(wèn)權。
- Members of the Site name Owners group who have write access to site template gallery can customize a site. 擁有網(wǎng)站模板庫寫(xiě)入權限的網(wǎng)站名稱(chēng)Owners組成員可以對網(wǎng)站進(jìn)行自定義。
- We have decide to move our factory to a site near the airport. 我們決定將我們的工廠(chǎng)遷到靠近機場(chǎng)的地方。
- Instance that provides read-only access to a file system resource. 實(shí)例,該實(shí)例提供對文件系統資源的只讀訪(fǎng)問(wèn)。