- A well devoid of water is useless. 無(wú)水的井沒(méi)有用途。
- This dictionary is a best seller. 這部詞典是暢銷(xiāo)書(shū)。
- The clash is his 181st in charge and only legendary duo Bob Paisley and Kenny Dalglish can boast a better record. 他已經(jīng)執教紅軍踢了180場(chǎng)的聯(lián)賽,在拉法所有的前任里面,只有佩斯利和達格利什獲得百勝需要的比賽場(chǎng)數比他少。
- Not surprisingly, I have learned a lot about how to become a better record producer, through watching Stanley direct his actors and crew. 不意外的,從觀(guān)摩唐導演如何指導演員與工作人員上,我學(xué)會(huì )了如何當一個(gè)更好的唱片制作人。
- The oil workers are sinking a well. 石油工人正在打油井。
- An encyclopedia is a well of knowledge. 百科全書(shū)是知識的源泉。
- Admittedly, all this amounts to a better record than many other countries can show, but it makes British aspirations to “global leadership” look a touch threadbare. 需要承認的是,這要比其他國家表現的好,但是還會(huì )讓英國要成為“全球領(lǐng)導者”成為陳詞濫調。
- Here is an old-fashioned pump for drawing water from a well. 這里有一個(gè)舊式水泵可從井里抽水。
- Many people use education as a steppingstone to a better life. 許多人將教育作為贏(yíng)得更好的生活的手段。
- I'll say it right now: Boston should have made the playoffs in 1978.We beat the Red Sox in that one-game playoff, but they still had a better record than the Royals, who won the A.L.West. 我現在想說(shuō):1978年紅襪隊應該要能進(jìn)軍季后賽的,但是它在那唯一的一場(chǎng)季后賽比賽中被我們打敗了,但是他們的季賽成績(jì)卻比美聯(lián)西區冠軍皇家隊優(yōu)異。
- I can't call my book a best seller as such but it's very popular. 我不敢說(shuō)我的書(shū)是暢銷(xiāo)書(shū),但可以說(shuō)很受歡迎。
- Games like those have helped put Bryant at the forefront of the debate over league MVP, the award Nowitzki won last year in leading the Mavericks to the NBA's best record. 像這樣的比賽讓科比身處聯(lián)盟MVP爭奪戰的最前線(xiàn),去年諾維茨基因率領(lǐng)小牛取得NBA最佳戰績(jì)而獲此殊榮。
- He capped my story by telling a better one. 他把我講的故事加以改進(jìn),講出一個(gè)更好的故事。
- He's a better emcee than I think he'd be. 這司儀做得意外的好嘛。
- Can't you think up a better excuse than that? 難道你想不出比這個(gè)藉口更像樣的了嗎?
- At the match they have the best record in their league. 他們在聯(lián)賽中以全勝的記錄獲得冠軍。
- I came up with a better plan than that. 我提供了一個(gè)比那還好的計劃。
- NBA: Win over SuperSonics gives them best record in conference. 湖人西雅圖榮獲八連勝,獨自問(wèn)鼎西部。
- Higher pay augurs a better future. 工資高了,前程會(huì )更美好。
- I've been scouting around town for a better house. 我跑遍了全城想找個(gè)好一點(diǎn)的房子。