I can see perfectly well that you are trying to take the mickey out of me. 我心里明白得很,你們想拿我開(kāi)心。
He made a reasonable recovery from the operation but his mother knew in her heart of hearts that he was far from well. 他手術(shù)后已基本恢復,不過(guò)他母親心里明白他還遠未痊愈。
I have done nothing wrong to the Jews, as you also very well know. 我向猶太人并沒(méi)有行過(guò)什么不對的事,這也是你明明知道的。
How you can stand there and deny it, knowing that I have the evidence, is beyond me! 你明明知道我證據確鑿,怎么還會(huì )站在這里矢口否認,這我真不明白!