
[ji?ld]     [ji?ld]    
  • v. 生產(chǎn);獲利;屈服;彎下去
  • n. 投資收益;生產(chǎn)量
yielder yielded yielded yielding yields



v. (動(dòng)詞)
  1. (使)屈服,(使)投降
  2. 產(chǎn)生
  3. (被迫)放棄,讓步
  4. 彎曲,屈曲
  5. 出產(chǎn)(作物),生產(chǎn)(作物)
  6. 同意,應允,答應,不再反對
  7. 倒塌,垮掉
  8. 讓路
  9. 有收獲
  10. 給與,讓與,讓渡,讓于,讓出,交出,尤指讓位于,被...所取代,失去優(yōu)先地位、領(lǐng)導權等
  11. 生出
  12. 服從,聽(tīng)從
  13. 凹進(jìn)
  14. 結于,結出(果實(shí))
  15. 提供
  16. 帶來(lái)
  17. 變形
  18. 折斷
  19. 繳出
n. (名詞)
  1. (生)產(chǎn)量,產(chǎn)額,收成,收獲(量)
  2. (投資)收益,利潤,利益
  3. 出產(chǎn),生產(chǎn),產(chǎn)出
  4. 產(chǎn)品
  5. 回收(率)
  6. 屈服
  7. 擊穿
  8. 極限


v. (動(dòng)詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 生產(chǎn),出產(chǎn) give a natural product, a result or profit
  2. vt. & vi. 放棄; 不再反對 give up; cease opposition
n. (名詞)
  1. [C] [U] 產(chǎn)量,收益 that which is yielded or produced


  1. production of a certain amount

  2. the income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property;

    "the average return was about 5%"

  3. an amount of a product

  4. the quantity of something (as a commodity) that is created (usually within a given period of time);

    "production was up in the second quarter"

  1. be the cause or source of;

    "He gave me a lot of trouble"
    "Our meeting afforded much interesting information"

  2. end resistance, as under pressure or force;

    "The door yielded to repeated blows with a battering ram"

  3. give or supply;

    "The cow brings in 5 liters of milk"
    "This year's crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn"
    "The estate renders some revenue for the family"

  4. give over; surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another

  5. give in, as to influence or pressure

  6. move in order to make room for someone for something;

    "The park gave way to a supermarket"
    "`Move over,' he told the crowd"

  7. cause to happen or be responsible for;

    "His two singles gave the team the victory"

  8. be willing to concede;

    "I grant you this much"

  9. be fatally overwhelmed

  10. bring in;

    "interest-bearing accounts"
    "How much does this savings certificate pay annually?"

  11. be flexible under stress of physical force;

    "This material doesn't give"

  12. cease opposition; stop fighting

  13. consent reluctantly



用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
  1. The village abounds in fields that yield many bushels of corn.
  2. The combined investment is expected to yield $5,000 in the first year.
  3. We' ve already made it clear that we will not yield to pressure.
    我們已經(jīng)表明我們不會(huì )屈服于壓力。
  4. The shelf is beginning to yield under that heavy weight.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. So if the share price rises and the dividend does not, then the yield falls.
  2. Wheat yields doubled last year.


用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
yield to (v.+prep.)
    被…推動(dòng) be able to be moved by (sth)
    yield to sb/sth

    We shall never yield to a conqueror.

    我們永遠不會(huì )向征服者低頭。

    He will soon be forced to yield to his more experienced opponent.


    She yielded to her daughter's request.


    We will never yield to force.

    我們決不會(huì )向暴力屈服。

    Yielding to demands from the public, the Minister made a statement.


    You will meet much evil in life; try not to yield to temptation.


    yield to sth

    It's best to yield to your grief for a time, then you will be able to deal with your feelings.

    眼下你不要遏制自己悲痛的心情,過(guò)后你會(huì )控制住自己的感情的。

    yield oneself to sth

    Yielding himself to his feelings of worthlessness, he tried to kill himself.


    yield to sb/sth

    I'm leaving the firm after all these years as I feel that I should yield to a younger man.


    The long cruel winter came to an end at last, yielding to a gentle warm spring.


    yield place to sth

    Her keenness for sport soon yielded place to an interest in music.

    她對音樂(lè )的興趣很快替代了她對體育運動(dòng)的熱心。

    A difficult situation yielded place to a favorable one.


    yield to sth

    At last the stiff door began to yield to our efforts to push it open.


yield up (v.+adv.)
    交出 give possession of (usually sth) (to sb)
    yield sth ? up (to sb)

    Are the citizens still refusing to yield up the town?


    The sea will never yield up its secrets.

    大海將永遠不會(huì )公諸它的秘密。

    It's polite to yield up your seat on the bus to an old lady.



用作動(dòng)詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動(dòng)詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+介詞


  • They would get rid of the cows that gave the smallest yield.

    出自: A. Paton
  • He had planted the dwarf coconut trees because of their quick yield.

    出自: P. Marshall
  • Yield him obedience in lawful things.

    出自: G. P. R. James
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