- The next time you are implored to decide if it‘s the right time to get back into tech, or timber, or Thailand, you can smile, take a deep breath, and say, "I don‘t care. 在下一次,當你被被迫著(zhù)有決定是時(shí)間去購買(mǎi)科技板塊,或木材板塊,或泰國板塊時(shí),你可以微笑一下,然后深呼吸,說(shuō)“我并不關(guān)心這些”。
- He has the faculty of saying the right thing at the right time. 他有在恰當的時(shí)候說(shuō)恰當的話(huà)的才智。
- Giving advice at the right time has to involve a great deal of intelligence. 在適當的時(shí)間提建議需要人的睿智。
- Learn to say the right at the right time. 學(xué)習在適當的時(shí)候說(shuō)適當的話(huà)。
- Now is the right time for harvesting. 現在正是收割季節。
- The call came at just the right time for Victor. 這個(gè)任命的時(shí)間對維克托而言是恰到好處。
- That clock gives the right time. 那鐘顯示準確的時(shí)間。
- It is advisable that you use it at the right time. 你可適時(shí)用這個(gè)詞。
- Delaying striking at the right time. 適時(shí)延遲擊球。
- It's not the right time to go into such things. 現在并非是深入討論這些事情的時(shí)候。
- But You came at the right time to save me. 就在那時(shí),您適時(shí)出現拯救了我。
- The nighttime is not the right time. 夜間不是駕車(chē)的好時(shí)間。
- This snow has come at the right time. 這場(chǎng)雪很及時(shí)。
- Does that clock give the right time? 那個(gè)鐘報時(shí)準確嗎?
- Does your clock tell the right time ? 你的鐘準嗎?
- It is not the right time for arguement. 這不是爭論的時(shí)候.
- My watch always telIs the right time. 翻譯:我的表很準。
- Snow at the right time is a sign of a good harvest. 瑞雪兆豐年。
- What's the right time to telephone someone except urgent things? Why? 除了緊急情況下什么時(shí)間打電話(huà)是比較適宜的呢?為什么?
- Success is simple. Do what's right, the right way, at the right time. 只要做對的事、用對的方法、挑對的時(shí)間,成功就會(huì )很簡(jiǎn)單。