- The access points of the western language books mainly include: ISBN,responsible authors,titles,subject headings,class number, etc. 討論了ISBN、責任者、題名、主題詞、分類(lèi)號等檢索點(diǎn)的著(zhù)錄。
- The Holy Bible is considered to be an important source of western language culture as well as a classical religious masterpiece. 《圣經(jīng)》不僅是一部經(jīng)典的宗教著(zhù)作,也是西方語(yǔ)言文化的源泉。
- This paper brings forward that different cataloguing criterion of western language literature cause the lack of standards and rules in author-item. 論文提出西文文獻的著(zhù)錄由于依據的標準不同,導致文獻責任項的著(zhù)錄缺少標準和規范。
- This paper brings forward that different cataloguing criterion of western language literature cause the lack of standards and roles in author-item. 論文提出西文文獻的著(zhù)錄由于依據的標準不同,導致文獻責任項的著(zhù)錄缺少標準和規范。
- This paper hriefly introduces the test prosesses the form of the MBMIS from the DCS and code conversion between memory code words of character under Chinese and character of ASCII of western language. 本文介紹了由“數字地籍測量系統(DCS)”注記信息形成“軍隊基建營(yíng)房圖形管理信息系統(MBMIS)”注記圖元的過(guò)程以及西文字符的ASCII碼與中文方式下相應字符的機內碼轉換算法。
- "Text" is a polysemous word in Western languages, and is used toward popularization in modem multidisciplinary language situations. 文本概念在西語(yǔ)中是一個(gè)多義詞,在當代多學(xué)科的語(yǔ)用環(huán)境中呈普適化趨勢。
- These equations form the core of a mathematical'language'that can be applied to virtually any western languages. 這些方程構成了實(shí)際上幾乎可以應用到任何西方語(yǔ)言上的數學(xué)“語(yǔ)言”的核心。
- Cataloging of Authorized Western Language Reprints 授權影印版西文圖書(shū)著(zhù)錄探討
- Internet and Western Language Library Catalogue 因特網(wǎng)與西文編目
- Units or details to be memorized in order to express oneself correctly are considerably more numerous in Western languages than in Chinese or Esperanto. 為了準確表達自己,英語(yǔ)中集合和細節的記憶量顯然要比漢語(yǔ)和世界語(yǔ)可怕得多。
- cataloging western language materials 西文編目
- Authorized Western Language Reprints 影印版圖書(shū)
- Greece was the cradle of Western civilization. 希臘是西方文明的發(fā)祥地。
- The Library of Luminary Buddhist Institute has compiled very detailed lists of bibliographies of many Tripitaka ural books. Bibliographies contains entries in different oriental and western languages. 香光尼眾佛學(xué)院圖書(shū)館按藏經(jīng)各部分別整理了研究書(shū)目,每一經(jīng)部下均包括學(xué)位論文、會(huì )議論文、期刊論文等。
- Gold prices on Western markets jumped. 西方市場(chǎng)上的黃金價(jià)格暴漲。
- western language bibliographic database 西文書(shū)目數據庫
- "Maritime Law" in Western language 西語(yǔ)“海商法”
- western language library catalogue 西文編目
- The Western scientists of the day didn't know it. 當時(shí)的西方科學(xué)家還不知道這一點(diǎn)。
- photocopied western language books 影印版西文圖書(shū)